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dalweekes just posted a photo!

dalweekes: doing god's work by forcing a certain blonde to make an instagram

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dalweekes: doing god's work by forcing a certain blonde to make an instagram. tayswift

haylswill and others liked this post

dalweekes: you're welcome.

geoffwig: omg, i'm so proud of my mom 😭 thank you dad
dalweekes: you're welcome son.

tayswift: i haven't even decided if i'm keeping it you dildo
dalweekes: *daldo and you are keeping it. that is final.
tayswift: omg just wait til you are asleep jerk
dalweekes: okay 😇.

awstenknight just posted a photo!

awstenknight: MOM MADE AN INSTAGRAM GUYS tayswift

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awstenknight: MOM MADE AN INSTAGRAM GUYS tayswift

geoffwig and others liked this post

tayswift: of all the photos. OF ALL THE PHOTOS AWSTEN.
awstenknight: SORRY MAMA 😘
dalweekes: oh come on, it's cute.
tayswift: dalweekes i'm not speaking to you still.

burie: i'm still shocked over this and i love this photo. nice job awsten.
awstenknight: THANKS BRO



i'm thinking of posting 2-3 chapter either a day/every other day. depends on how motivated i feel and if i am not buried in schoolwork.
what ships are you all expecting/wanting besides ryden?
have a good day!


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