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I’d been awake for over 3 hours, yet refused to leave my bed. The midday light hurt my eyes so much that I was lying with the blinds drawn at the window and the duvet over my head, and I didn’t plan on leaving this position until I had to get up for work at two. This had been my routine since that god awful night after the meal with Chrissie and her parents two days ago. 

I’d had several missed call from Chrissie, but I wasn’t planning on answering her right now. What was there to say? Her father had made it pretty clear what he thought of me, and besides, as I’d told myself before there was no hope for us in the future, especially when we found our actual soul mates…. 

Oh, god. My soul mate. I had lost my stone at the club.
That feeling returned, the deep dread that kept hitting me so hard I felt a headache come on. I had lost my stone, and I don’t even know who to.
Would she want me? Was she hot? Wait.. what is she was a he? I'd never really found guys hot, so I'd be surprised if my soulmate was a dude... I suppose stranger things had happened... 

I’m such an idiot.

Suddenly I hear my door opening.
‘Damien there’s no point moping in bed again, come and get some breakfast.'
'Go away Frank, this is all your fault" I moaned, then added "I'm not hungry'

I felt the bed moved as he maneuvered around the side of the bed, scoffing at me.
'Damien Winchester, not hungry? You really are unwell! Come on mate, you can't keep moping around forever' Hah, just you watch me pal...

Light hit my face, forcing a loud hiss from my mouth. Frank had pulled the duvet from me, and thrown it off the bed, a wide grin plastered on the git's face as he held it away from me. 
'Do you mind?' I growl, scrabbling for it back. He smirked at me, holding it further away.
'Nope, not at all, now come on, I made pancakes. But I swear, if you don't get your lazy butt out of bed they'll go cold, and I will have to kill you. And possibly make you buy me food.'

Frank was right, breakfast was cold when I finally got up, so we decided to head out instead. We live above Costas, which is a pain in the neck for finding a seat, but because we live upstairs and are regulars, we're always served on priority. That was useful for days like today when we need food on demand. 
We enter the shop, already buzzing even though it wasn't even lunch yet, and so we had to weave our way into the entrance. we managed to squeeze about three from the from the front, behind two guys holding hands and a short, pretty chick,  who was yanking a beanie further onto her flame red hair.

We stood in silence amongst the crowd until Frank cleared his throat.
'So' He began, stealing a sideways glance toward me, before continuing 'The other night.. you, erm, you lost your..'
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. There it was, the throbbing in my skull 'Yeah.' 
'Well.. well what are you going to, you know, do about it?' 
'I don't know Frank, what would you do about finding a soulmate, but not knowing where she is?' I countered sarcastically, when at the same time I was knocked sideways. The customers in front had moved away from the counter, coffees in hand and laughing as one of the guys was pushed into me. I give a short glare at the red headed culprit, who stared back timidly. Her eyes were a stunning green and bore right into me, rendering me speechless for a few seconds. She then looked back at one of the dudes she was with, who squeezed her shoulder supportingly.  I rolled my eyes, the trance broken, and stepped forward to place my order.

Mmm, cheese and bacon panini with black coffee to finish, get in my belly.


'So what are you going to do?' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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