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Do you ever get sick of the constant talk of 'finding your true love' and 'soulmate'? A lot of people find the whole thing ridiculous. But imagine if this was a literal thing, that there was an actual human being born that was the other half of you, the one that you were meant to be with. Pretty lame huh?

I'm Naomi, and the in the world I live in, there are two types of people; There are the conventional humans, who live their lives dedicated to finding their soulmate. We're all born with a small crystal embedded in our wrist, and once we've found our other half, it disappears, leaving us scar free and 'jewel-less'. Some people are lucky enough to have this happen instantly- love at first sight, you could say- whereas with others it can take up to 12 months.
Then there are the nomads. These are the people who have given up, convinced there is noone for them. They're no different from the rest of us, but people are so damn obsessed with finding love that they've out-casted as nomads. 
For every single nomad, there's around thirty couples, so you can see why no one would want be find out they're destined to never find their loved one, but some people are happy to stay alone. Sure they have friends,'s never the same really.
Trouble is, my luck wasn't looking so great. Jace was gorgeous, typical boy-next-door look with his floppy brown curls and crystal blue eyes, and a heart of gold, the perfect best friend and lover for was our 11 month and 3 week anniversary when we finally called it quits, for neither of our stones had gone, and we'd just...given up.
Luckily for him, he'd moved out to Spain in hopes of getting over our heartbreak, where he met Lucinda, a Spanish waitress on the coast of Catalonia. They'd only glance at one another when they're stones burst.

So that's why I'm sat on this dusty old bus, with a rucksack of necessities taking me to the neighbouring county. I've decided to travel around, looking for this 'oh holy chosen one'. I've been in this county for 17 years of my life, and this bloody gem hasn't so much as glimmered. I wouldn't mind, but my father already refuses to speak to me until I find a true love, and with only another 30 years before time runs out and i'm officially titled a nomad, I may as well set out on a quest than stay here and receive the silent treatment. 


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