The plot thickens.

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I was lying on a beach in the sunset, the temperature cool, but the sun still bright as it reached the sea edge. The waves hit the shore in a hushed whisper, and a slight breeze fanned my reddened cheeks while my neck was being smothered in kisses.

I'm dressed in a flowing white gown, the soft fabric hugging my skin, and a laugh bubbled in my throat as strong, muscular hands were roaming along the fabric.

"open your eyes, Naomi.."

A shiny wedding ring on my finger caught my eye as I ran my fingers through my new husband's caramel coloured locks, and im lifted up into my husband's arms, bridal style of course. I still can't see his face, I seem unable to think straight as he found my sweet spot.
"Please, Naomi..."

Suddenly, a loud, crackling thunder hit the clouds, the sun disappearing and a clammy heat hitting me. A voice from the clouds boomed across the sand, disturbing our steamy honeymoon.

''Names, hey, Naomi? Yooo hoooo'' 

I groaned, and pushed my head further into my pillow. A dream.
Gaining my conciousness, I wished for sleep to find me again, as my head felt like I'd been ran over repeatedly with a steam roller, and every muscle in my body ached. 

I felt my shoulder being shook repeatedly, and the voice that was yelling at me was about to recieve a slap if they didn't tone it down. People were trying to have a honeymoon here dammit!

''Naomi, I know you want to sleep, but we have a bit of a problem here..'' Ben's voice yelled again. The dream was well and truly shattered, so I turned my head so my complaints wouldn't be unidentifyable, but my eyes remained tightly shut.

''Stop yelling!''

''I'm not yelling..'' he replied in a confused chuckle ''you're just too hungover'' 

''Same difference! What's so important that you're torturing me anyway?'' I lifted my head, and blinked painfully at the guy.

He smiled sadly at me ''Look at your wrist, Names''

I frowned at him, feeling even more confused at he stared at my wrist. I glanced down, gave him another questioning look, before it hit me. I pulled my eyes back down onto my clean, pale...JEWELESS wrist. My stone had gone. Completely disappeared, kaput. 

''I...I found my..soulmate?'' I asked, smiling up at Ben. He was right, this was worth waking up for. Maybe this is what the dream meant, I'd found the guy I could marry.

''This is brilliant! My father's happy, I'm happy...Ben! I get to stay in Liverpool with you guys! Provided my soulmate is local...maybe he's from away...where is he anyway? Is he hot? You know what, thats not important right now, I've found my soulmate! I'd better call dad, he'll be so-''

''Names, shut up for a minute will you? You can't ring your dad yet''

For what felt like the hundreth time today, I frowned at him ''And why not?''

''You can't ring your father, because...'' He grimaced ''We don't know who your soul mate is''

I chuckled ''I didn't get his name yet? It doesn't matter, I'll go ask now, where is he?''

''No, Naomi..we don't know who he is, where he is....''

''I'm totally confused, what the fudge are you on about?''

Ben sat down beside me, and explained a little that had gone on last night. Considering I had no recollection of my evening, I was relying on the boys to tell me who my soul mate was. 

This however, found to be a big probem.

Sometime during the evening, Ben and Luke had left the side of the bar to dance, I apparently had assured them I was fine and was happy to flirt with the bar attendant (Geesh, slut much..).

They continued to look over to me a few times, and every time they saw me with a different guy. In my opinion, this proved my slut theory, but Ben argued that I was probably trying to find my soul mate.

If this was the case, then my method obviously worked, for when it was time to go home, Ben and Luke found me alone at the bar, singing to myself. On the taxi journey back, they also found that I no longer had a stone on my wrist. 

Basically, I'd found my soulmate, and then lost him again.

''Oh sh!t'' I said, and flopped back, face first, onto the pillow.


I decided to call my dad anyway, as although I was kinda upset that I had found my soulmate, yet was still alone, I figured my dad may let me off the hook and let me come home.

"Hey daddy" I called into the phone, having him pick up on the third ring.

"Have you found him?"

"Wow, love you too dad. Yes, I have actually..can I come home now?"

I held the phone away from my ear for a few minutes while my father cheered and told everyone in the blinkin' town, before he cried happily back to me "Really? this is brilliant! Yes you must come home at once, we must have a celebration! I wasn't sure you'd ever find him... oh I better go, I have double beds to buy and an extra dinner place to set.."

He'd carried on about bedspreads and cutlery, but I hung up before gaining a permanent headache.
"What am I going to do?" I Asked, holding my head in my hands.

During this time, Ben had made coffee, and was perched against the kitchen counter watching me carefully, a grimace playing on his mouth.
"We"ll have to find him he can't be very far... start by going back to the club?"
"He might be a party animal for all we know, but I doubt he'll still be there now babes" Luke chuckled upon entering the room at his partner, who rolled his eyes in response.
"No, I meant tonight. We'll try and spot anyone Naomi spoke to last night, minus the alcohol" he gave me a pointed look. What's that meant to mean?!
"That could work, it's worth a up for it Names?"

What did I have to loose?

woo! Hey guys xD  I forgot how fun Naomi is to write, she's so sassy ;) Do you think they'll have any luck at the club? Will Naomi have to disappoint her father?
Sorry for any mistakes, on my phone haha :p
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