The stones

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I looked into Jace's eyes with all the love I could muster, and intertwined our fingers.
'Happy anniversary baby' he said, leaning for a kiss. before I complied to his silent request, I glanced down at our interlocked wrists first. Nothing. Holding back a sigh, I pecked at his lips is a swift kiss.
Noticing my sudden change in mood, Jace also looked at our wrists, then gave me an almost apologetic look.
'we still have 2 months...don't give up on us yet names'


› someone, usually your romantic or sexual partner, who you have a special relationship with, and who you know and love very much:

Sound familiar? Imagine if this was 100% proven to be thing, and you were outcasted by your own family if you didn't have your own....

Welcome to my world, suckers.


Naomi Reemes lives in a world where the word 'soulmate' has taken a literal twist. Has Naomi already found hers, or is it too late for her?

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