all the shooting stars and all the silver moons

24 6 3

did you eat today?

just checking in on you

text me when you get there

this reminded me of you

i got this for you

put your seat belt on

i made you dinner

you're the first person i told

kiss me before you leave

you look beautiful

i made you a playlist

i read that book you were talking about

you can have the aux

this ocean has nothing on us

i don't like them,
but i know that you do

i'll be thinking of you

i trust you

i'm here for you

there is no one i would rather be with right now
than you

i thought you might like this song

let me help you with that

i miss you

i really miss you

i'm worried about you

you make me happy

tell me more

you matter to me

how are you, honestly?

i love spending time with you

my life is better with you in it

i feel more like myself
when you're around

i understand

you are beautiful

you are talented

you are smart

you are worth it

be safe

you can have mine

i just wanted to hear your voice

stay with me

have a good day at work

i made your favorite

you can call me any time

watch your step

i'll wait for you

you can tell me anything

i'll be your ride

be careful

you are everything

i want you to be happy

i believe in you

i brought you a sweater
i knew you'd need one


i'm not leaving without you

are you still hungry?

do you need me to spend the night?

i've got your back

i appreciate you

i appreciate what you do for me

thank you

keep your eyes on the road

please call me

are you staying hydrated?

is there anything i can do to help?

take an umbrella, it's raining

put sunscreen on

come back soon

i made this for you

i'm sorry. i didn't mean to

are you sure you're okay?

did you get enough sleep last night?

do you like this?

i'm comfortable around you

continue your story

it's for you

rainstormsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon