sorry it's sad again

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i am
collapsing into a
million jagged pieces
a broken electricity line
living on a wire and
prepared to dive and fall and
crash and burn,
flames licking my hands and
my head and
my skin melting right off of me,
leaving ashes wherever i walk
a halo of fire surrounding my head
tickling my lungs as i choke
and drown and cry and cry and cry
but i haven't made a sound
as i scream
i am silent
and my cheeks are dry
and my heart is skewed sideways
punctured and bleeding and
my blood is clotting and my
limbs are numb and i can't
feel a thing.
i can feel
my lips are sewed shut
and a tissue is stuffed in my head
and it's wild and buzzing and
crazy and burning and
silent and drowning and
the water is going through
my nostrils until my heart burns
but i will keep
and carry

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