"G'morning hyung, how was your sleep?" The young man asked him softly as he put down the tray on his bed side before taking his seat on the edge of the omega's bed. It seems like he was acting too close but it was left unbothered by the omega already pleasantly smiling to the other feeling thankful that he was present. He remembers the twins to the young man in front of him only making him smile even more.

"Looks like you are in a great mood" The young man chuckled as he already noticed the soft smile the omega was beaming him and the soft stares that also caught his attention.

"I am, actually haven't slept since midnight because of a bad dream so I just plan to take a nap, well if it okay, later." Yoongi stated. He brought his lips to the cup and sipped the warm tea that made a great relief to his stomach. The night was cold and the sheets were too thin resulting him a bad stomach. 

"That is okay, Sir Jimin was still in the underworld fixing some things and consulting to a law maker about the new laws in the trinity so might as well enjoy your free time while he was away." The young man was already brushing the crumples n his tux as he already approached the door before the omega spoke once again.

"I haven't got your name and I wanna thank you for this, can I at least know your name?" 

"It is Jihyun, Park Jihyun."


"Jimin this is already fine, let them do their work, it is theirs not mine anyways." Taehyung once again whined to the alpha for the nth time. The little demon was bored as fuck since they were here for about a day or almost two since the battle finished. He considered and took the opportunity to make another new set of laws now, fair and square to everyone. He was considering the benefits and the disadvantages of every single law they are making for the sake of the three races. He brought law makers from each side to guide them and to assist them very well. He admits that he really is tired but the thing is, he just also using this work to escape being dragged by Jihyo and his and her parents for preparing the wedding. Like Taehyung on his side, it was already Jihyo's nth time going back and forth to the hall just inform him about the preparation itself. He wants it too but it was too girly and now is not the time he was in mood of doing such things, he just wanna sleep all day long and slack his ass off of everything.

"We are almost done Taehyung, just hold on" He sipped his already cold caramel macchiato that was on his side an hour ago. His vision already blurring, he pushed his eyeglasses forward that was already resting on the tip of his nose, it drove him even more concentrated on what he was doing. Just a little bit more they will come in to perfection. No one will ever break this law for he is gonna build an organization that will be the teeth of the laws, and also to protect the innocent and punish the law breakers. He wants this to be perfect and all worth it. He is already planning for the future, he doesn't want his soon to be children to take the same path he took and even his friend's soon to be sons and daughters as well. He just don't want to history to be repeated that he wants this to be in perfection that his children and his friends' as well will live on a rather peaceful surroundings that they can play as much as they want to and explore without limits forbidding them. He was being an idealistic but he can't help it, he just hopes for the best.

The successor can only he hope, doesn't he?

"And, done" He stretched his arms and bend his neck. He passed the papers to the law makers before facing his friends. The four of them looking so bored while Namjoon, like him was too down to earth on what they were doing. This only made him chuckle and then, he repeated what he said. "I said we are done, we can go back to the mansion"

"FUCKING FINALLY!" It was Jeongguk and Taehyung who said it on unison, Jin on the other hand pulled the two youngsters ears and scold them once again for their language. Namjoon and Hoseok was only watching them throwing some attentions and light chuckles before standing up and heading to the exit. Following them, I sighed tiredly, this is gonna be a long ride once again as he was pulled on his shirt and together with Jeongguk, Taehyung flapped his majestic wings and ascended them into the soft looking clouds together with Namjoon who was carrying the two screaming adults who once again, cursed and cursed Namjoon and saying they should've just brought a car. Two scaredy cats in the arms of a clumsy sexy demon, you can just imagine what happened in the air.

written | ʸᵐ ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें