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soobin: "The committee is completely full? Maybe I can swap out with someone."

classmate: "Sorry Soobin, we're full."

soobin: (sighs) "It's okay... thank you."

annie: "Hey Soobin."

soobin: "Oh, hey Annie."

annie: "You getting a Cupid Box for [y/n]?"

soobin: "I mean... I don't know. Seems like a loss. The line is starting to wrap around the hallway and it's not even lunch yet."

annie: "You know, I know someone who's on the Cupid Box committee this year."

soobin: "You do?"

annie: "Yep. It's me!"

soobin: "Ah."

annie: "Let me see if I can sneak your message in. I'll have to be discreet. It's the least I can do after everything I've done this year."

soobin: "Wow. Thanks. I actually really appreciate that."

annie: "Of course."

soobin: "Shoot, I haven't written anything yet, though."

annie: "Don't panic yet, there's still a couple of days left for you to think about what you want to say. Just try not to make it an essay. We don't want handwriting cramps."

soobin: "Okay. Yeah, I'll definitely have it to you by the end of today."

annie: "Sounds good. See you later!"

soobin: "See you later."

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