2.9K 119 69

hueningkai: "Good morning, friends!" 

y/n: "Morning."

soobin: "Good morning."

hueningkai: "This is the first time we're going to school in this decade."

y/n: "Thanks for reminding me."

soobin: "I forgot to grab breakfast. I'm gonna go get some in the cafeteria real quick."

hueningkai: "It's the first time you'll be getting breakfast in this decade."

soobin: "How long are you gonna keep this up?"

hueningkai: "Until tomorrow."

soobin: "Noted."

[SOOBIN leaves]

hueningkai: "Alright, the subject is gone. Spill the tea."

y/n: "The subject?"

hueningkai: "Yes. I've decided to start thinking of your and Soobin's situation like a case. Soobin is the subject." 

y/n: "Oh jesus..."

hueningkai: "Now come on. You guys still biked to school together."

y/n: "We did."

hueningkai: "How was it?"

y/n: "Fine."

hueningkai: "Awkward?"

y/n: "A little but not too much. We talked like we normally did."

hueningkai: "And...?"

y/n: "We saw each other yesterday. I was getting the mail."

hueningkai: "It's really convenient that you guys live in the same complex."

y/n: "Not when I've got a lot going on in my mind about him. I never know when I'm gonna bump into him."

hueningkai: "Oh, shh. The subject is back."

soobin: "Hey." 

hueningkai: "Cinnamon rolls?"

soobin: "Yep. [y/n], here. I got you one." 

y/n: "Oh. Thanks."

soobin: "Mhm."

hueningkai: "What about me?"

soobin: "Yeah, we should get going to class. Don't want to be late in the new decade."

hueningkai: "We should also not forget to get our other friend cinnamon rolls in the new decade!"

y/n: "Aw, your and Soobin's first little fight in the new decade."

hueningkai: "Oh, shut up Mrs. Choi Soobin."

y/n: "Wha--"

hueningkai: "Nope, I win."

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