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soobin: "You know, I've never been to IKEA before."

y/n: "What?"

soobin: "Yeah. So not only is this our first date but my first time at IKEA too."

y/n: "A monumental moment."

soobin: "It really is."

y/n: "What are you doing?"

soobin: "Is it against the rules to hold your hand?"

y/n: "N-no..."

soobin: "Great. Now lead the way because this place looks enormous."

y/n: "Where to even begin? Are you hungry?"

soobin: "Maybe later."

y/n: "Then let's wander around!"

soobin: "Wow... they have so many different desks... and chairs and pillows..."

y/n: "It's the world of aesthetic."

soobin: "Right? I suddenly feel like I'm a really organized person just looking at this stuff."

y/n: "What would you buy from here?"

soobin: "Maybe that coffee table over there even though I barely drink coffee. So maybe I'd just stack some books on top of it."

y/n: "Very aesthetic."

soobin: "Thank you."

y/n: "And what else?"

soobin: "Maybe that cart over there. Or that bookshelf. What about you?"


soobin: "Wha-- where did she go?"

[SOOBIN's phone vibrates]

y/n: Gotcha

y/n: Hide and seek starts now

y/n: Come find me

soobin: Cheater!

soobin: You distracted me with fancy furniture

y/n: Does that mean you're giving up already?

soobin: I'm no quitter

soobin: You're going down

( available ii ) ; soobinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora