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soobin: "What?!"

y/n: (silence)

soobin: "Where are you in your apartment?"

y/n: (silence)

soobin: "Okay... okay. You can't talk. Stay there. I'm coming."

y/n: (whispers) "No."

soobin: "Too late, I'm running. Where the hell is everyone in the complex? Is this the fucking Twilight Zone?"

y/n: (whispers) "Kitchen."

soobin: "You're in the kitchen?"

y/n: (whispers) "No."

soobin: "They're in the kitchen?"

y/n: (silence)

soobin: "I'm taking that as a yes."


soobin: "What was that?"

y/n: (silence)

soobin: "I'm almost there, hold on--"

y/n: (gasps)

soobin: "[y/n]? What's wrong--"

unknown: "Give me the phone."

soobin: "Who's that? [y/n]?"

unknown: "Now. Hand it over."

[Y/N hands over phone]

unknown: "Are you here alone?"

y/n: (silence) 

unknown: "Answer me."

y/n: "No."

unknown: "Funny, I don't see anyone else here right now." 

[UNKNOWN puts Y/N's phone to their ear]

unknown: "Who is this?"

soobin: (silence)

unknown: "Hello?"

soobin: (silence)

unknown: "I know you're there, I can hear you breathing. Who is this? If you don't tell me right now, I'll..."

[Y/N yelps]

soobin: "Don't!"

unknown: "Ah. So there is someone on the other end of the line." 

soobin: (silence)

unknown: "I'm going to take this phone and by the time you get here, I'll be gone."

soobin: "I don't think so. Turn around."

unknown: "What do you--"

[SOOBIN knocks out UNKNOWN]

y/n: (sobs)

soobin: "[y/n], jesus fucking christ, are you okay?"

y/n: (shakes head)

mom: "[y/n]?"

dad:" [y/n]... oh my god. What the hell happened?"

mom: (screams) 

dad: "I'm calling 911."

mom: "Honey, are you are alright? Good lord."

dad:" Hello? Yes, someone cut our power off in our apartment complex. It was a group of robbers. I need someone to come right now."

soobin: "Hey, breathe."

y/n: (shaking)

mom: "Let me get her some water. Oh, honey, I should have never left you alone here. I'm so sorry."

[MOM tears up and scrambles towards kitchen] 

soobin: "You have to breathe. Look, he's knocked out and the police are coming soon. You're okay."

y/n: "I thought... he was..."

soobin: "We're here now, I'm here."

y/n: (sobs harder)

soobin: "You're barely breathing. [y/n]."

y/n: "I.... I can't..."

dad: "Jesus... please send someone soon, my daughter isn't well." 

soobin: "Hey, hey, it's over now..."

y/n: (shakes head)

dad: "What are we supposed to do right now, what can we do to make her calm down? I need an answ--"

soobin: "Sir."

dad: "What?"

soobin: "Please don't get mad."

dad: "Why would I--"

[SOOBIN kisses Y/N]

y/n: (silence)

dad: "......s-sorry, yes, I'm still here. Um... yes, she's calmed down a bit now. But are you almost here?"

y/n: (deep breath)

soobin: "There you go. Breathe again."

y/n: (deep breath)

soobin: "I'm sorry... it's just that you weren't listening and that's okay that you weren't listening because I know you weren't thinking straight and I just didn't know--"

[Y/N hugs SOOBIN]

y/n: "I thought he was going to... I don't know. I don't know what he was going to do."

soobin: "I'm sorry I didn't get here fast enough."

y/n: "I'm sorry I scared you."

soobin: "Don't be sorry about that. I'm glad you're okay."

dad: "The police are here."

[SOOBIN and Y/N pull away]

mom: "[y/n], come here... my poor baby, drink water."

[Y/N walks over to MOM]

dad: (clears throat) "Soobin..."

soobin: "I'm really sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

dad: "No, it's... I mean, I... um, well, thank you for getting here before us."

soobin: "Luckily we were already on the phone."

dad: "Thank you."

soobin: "Of course." 

dad: "You know, [y/n]... she doesn't let just anyone in."

soobin: "Sir?"

dad: "She doesn't befriend just anyone. She's only ever had Kai. It must mean you hold a really special place in her life."

soobin: "Well.... she holds a really special place in mine."

dad: "Good. I.... I approve."

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