Chapter 5

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I get to the dining hall and the only person there is Connie. I walk over and sit next to him. "Hey" he says smiling.
"Hey. Where'd everybody go?"
"They all went out for a friendly bit of competitive training. Someone needed to stay and I offered."
"Why did you offer ?"
"Get to know you some? If you want I can take you to where they are?"
"Yeah okay"
We both stood up and he led me to where everyone was.
"Hey!" Eren shouted. He jogged over so Connie walked away. "Sorry for ditching you"
"Oh no. It's fine, you all have things to do. I don't mind." I smiled at him so he smiled back.
I looked at the group of people fighting each other. "What are they doing?" I asked.
"Bit of friendly competition. We just fight and who ever gets pinned down for five seconds loses. Sorta like a tournament"
"Is it too late for me to join in?" I asked smiling.
"Course not. hey guys, Naomi's gonna play with us for a bit"
"Well the only person that hasn't had a go yet is Connie." Mikasa said.
"I have to fight Connie." I asked smiling.
"Yes" Eren pushed me towards Connie.
"So. How does it feel to know you're going to loose" he said smiling.
"I'm not going to loose. I'm skilled. Also Levi's sister" I smiled and ran over, kicking the back of his ankle, sending him down then got on top of him.
"1...2...3...4...5" I said. Everyone began cheering. I got up and helped him up. "Sorry" I smiled.
"Wow. You're good" he dusted himself off.
"Right, that's Christa and that's Bert. Christa lost to Armin, Sasha lost to Mikasa and Bert lost to me so me, you, Armin and Mikasa are left."
"Sibling rivalry?" She said smiling.
"Bring it" Eren shouted.
"Wait, so I'm fighting Armin?"
"Yes you are" Armin said looking scared.
"What's up?"
"You're way stronger then me, that's all ...."
"Awwwww. I'll go easy."
"No!" He shouted. "I don't need your pity win."
"Alright alright calm down" I smiled an he smiled back. Mikasa and Eren began to fight.
"So, who's friends with who?" I asked
"Were all friends"
"No. Like who knew who before hand."
"Erm. Me Mikasa and Eren knew eachother I'm really not too sure about the rest."
"I wondered if you guys knew each other before, you seemed really close in battle."
"Eren and Mikasa are my family."
I smiled. "And they're brother and sister"
"It's confusing...she was adopted by his family a while back when her parents were killed, Eren saved her from these people and she looks after him now. Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman"
"Ackerman? That my last name"
"Woah? Seriously"
"Yeah! Levi and Naomi Ackerman"
"That's weird"
"I won" Eren shouted holding his arms out victoriously. me and Armin stood up.
"You ready?" I mouthed. He nodded nervously, so I did the same thing I did to Connie to Armin but he dodged it? Obviously he expected me to do it. So I lept to the floor and rolled behind his legs and kicked the soft spot at the back of his leg, sending him down. I flipped him on to his back an got on top of him. His face began to go red.
"What's up?" I asked smiling.
"I can safely say your the only girl to ever voluntarily get on top of me"
I let out a soft giggle and as everyone cheered because it had been five seconds, I kissed his cheek and helped him up. His face was still red, but it was cute. Eren walked over.
"I'm going to go easy on you"
"Oh no Eren. I want you to act as though I'm a big strong man."
"Fair battle"
Eren went straight for my legs, knowing I had a weak foot, so I jumped up and dodged it. He then went to kick me so I grabbed his foot and pushed him down. I got on top of him an smiled.
"Did you go easy on me" I said with a wink. He flipped it over so he was on top of me.
"No." He smiled. I kneed him in the stomach and got on top of him again.
"1...2...3...4...5" everyone began cheering and I got dragged off Eren. I needed to be stopped because I could feel my victory dance coming on like a sickness. But fuck it. I'm in a world full of titans who gives a shit if I do an embarrassing dance. I begin to do my victory dance and weirdly enough Connie and Sasha start doing it with me. We all start laughing. I look over at Eren talking to Mikasa. She looks like she's telling him off but I can't quite make out what they're saying.
"You are skilled" someone said. I turned around an Jean was sat behind me. i sat next to him.
"And when you're better, ill beat you too"
he burst out laughing. "Oh. I'm laughing but you would most definitely beat me"
"I know" I looked at his leg and sighed. "How is it?"
"It, is fine thankyou. I'm getting better. Still hurts though"
"I'm not surprised. You tried to battle it out with a roof?" I smiled.
"Sounds silly when you say it like that. You battled god knows how many titans and you did it with a small knife?! Come on just face it....I'm screwed. I should've joined the military police"
"No. You really shouldn't have. It's so boring. I use to sit around with someone I thought was my friend doing paperwork all day"
"You have friend" he said gasping dramatically.
"Her name was Annie..."
"You were friends with the she-Titan?"
"Yeah. If you were nice to her she was nice back. She just treated me like family. Maybe it was because I knew the king maybe it was because I was Levi's sister I dunno why to be honest, but she was a really good friend until she went all psycho and killed people."
"Look. Do not tell Levi you were friends with her"
"Why not?"
"She killed petra"
"She did what?"
"She killed Petra. An most of Levi's squad. Just promise me you won't tell Levi?"
"I will not tell Levi"
"You won't tell Levi what?" I facepalmed. This was definitely a cringe worthy moment.
"I won't tell Levi that.......he's the best big brother in the world. Ain't that right Levi"
Levi looked at me in absolute disgust. "I can't believe were related"
"That's not nice"
His face remained straight. he rubbed the top of my head and walked away.
"Wow. Is his face always like that?" Jean asked.
"It honestly never use to be but when he was made captain he's been all weird and strict. He use to try and train me on the 3dmg when I was younger, hence why I was always top of my class and he'd teach me how to fight from a young age too. He use to be all about his family and friends but Petra dies and he didn't even cry.....she was his best friend. It's just like he's seen too much to have any feelings"
"Well we've all seen too much but we still feel. I know what I'm feeling right now"
"Oh. And what's that?"
"That I really like you. You're so sweet and kind and I can see us becoming best friends..."
"Really?" I asked smiling.
"Yeah in a world like this you need friends like you. Keep me from going bonkers and save me all that time"
I laughed. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a best friend around here" I said looking at Jean.
"So. We make a pact" he said.
"What kind of pact?"
"Me and you will look out for each other from this point on wards. We also help each other out." He looked at Mikasa.
"Ahh. You want me to put in a good word for you"
"It would be nice. You and Eren seem to be getting along"
"Can't believe that big scary titan everyone is talking about back at wall sina is a small boy. At least I'm on his good side" I said smiling.
"I think your on more then his good side"
"What do you mean?"
"I've seen the way he looks at you. And to be honest I don't blame him. You're pretty, funny and you can look after yourself...nothing is more attractive then a girl that can kick ass."
"That why you have a thing for Mikasa?"
"Well...sorta. She's stunning. I mean look at her. I love the fact she's practically a blank canvas. You never know what she's thinking."
"Okay, snap out of it." He looked at me with red cheeks. "If you like her so much go and talk to her. I don't mean to sound rash but this could be your last day on earth. You don't want to die thinking there might have been a chance with you and the girl of your dreams you want a solid answer not a what if? We battle titans and you're afraid of rejection?"
Jean nodded. "When you put it like that it seems like nothing."
"It's tiny. Just go over." I smiled. He lifted his leg up. "Fine. If you're not gonna go over there she can come here"
"Wait what? No. Naomi!" he said grabbing my arm as I stood up.
"Mikasa, could you come here for a moment"
"Please...don't do this" Jean whispered.
"Think of the pact" I said patting his head and standing up as Mikasa walked over. "Jean wants a quick word. I'll leave you two alone" I winked at Jean and walked off.
"Hey!" Eren shouted. He ran up to me.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked sitting on a log next to the fire.
"The sky" he said pointing up.
"Ha ha very funny" I said poking the fire with a stick.
"I didn't realise how skilled you actually were"
"Why? Cause Im a girl?"
"No actually. Mikasa is a girl and she's more skilled then all the boys here. Mikasa looks tough, if you look at her face, she seems strong, look at yours you seem kind hearted and weak."
"I do not look weak!" I shouted with a smile on my face.
"Weak may have been the wrong word to use...erm too kind"
"You think I look too kind?" I arched an eyebrow. "Would you like a shovel to help dig your hole" I asked sarcastically.
He laughed and shrugged it off. "Erm what I mean is if I was a villain I would think you were an easy target."
"Right...a shovel isn't enough, how about a digger?"
"No no...I'm just gonna be quiet." He said resting his head in his hands.
"That would be best..." I continued to poke the fire but I must've gotten to close and the fire spat at me. I pulled my hand away as a reflex and called out in pain.
"Here" he said grabbing my hand. He grabbed the small knife out of his pocket and cut a bit of the fabric from his trousers off and grabbed the water from behind, pouring it on the fabric then putting it on my hand. He looked up. "Better?"
"Well it stings but, yeah. Thank you" I looked at his hand wrapped around mine and smiled. He awkwardly pulled away. I looked up confused. "You okay?" I asked.
"Ahem. Ye-yeah." He stuttered. I moved a bit closer so he moved back a little. I raised an eyebrow and moved closer so he moved back, not realising he was on the edge of the log and fell straight onto the ground. "What is so bad about me that you have to move away like that ?" I asked sounding a little agitated.
"It's not's me"
I shook my head and sighed. I threw the damp piece of fabric on top of him and stood up. I dusted myself off and began walking towards the building.
"Where are you going?" He asked chasing after me.
"Inside" I answered bluntly. He ran in front of me and stopped me in my tracks.
"I'm a little shy. But you can't get mad like that and overreact again!" he shouted. I pushed him.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" I asked.
"I'm talking to a girl that got an easy ride on the scout train because of her stupid brother and 'cool bond' with the king" Eren shouted again.
"Move out of my way" I pushed him again. He clung to the door way like a spiderweb, making sure I couldn't get in. "That's mature" I sighed. "I thought that being a Titan might make you so much more likeable. I mean, that's rare, right? But it seems like the power is getting to your head. Making you come across as a bellend." I shook my head and walked back towards the fire. I sat down on a log and began wafting my hand about trying to cool it down.
"Stupid fire. Stupid life. Stupid titans." I said hiting the fire with a stick trying to put it out. Someone chucked a bucket of water over it. I looked and it was Armin.
"The bucket is there for a reason" he said smiling. I sat down and smiled back at him. "I heard you and Eren argue. He gets a bit hot headed but he means well"
"Yeah. I know he does."
"He's coming back over so I'm going to leave you alone to sort this out" he said. He saw my hand and fiddled around in his pocket. "This will help" he says throwing a tube of cream at me before walking away. I opened the tube and squoze some on my burn before rubbing it in.
"Sorry" Eren said from behind me. I turned my head.
"Come sit down" he came and sat next to me. "I'm sorry too. The whole Titan comment was immature and rude...sorry"
"I deserved it. And I've seen how you fight, I know it wasn't an easy ticket on the scout train" he said awkwardly. I burst out laughing. "What?" He said confused.
"Just the way you came out with that. Where did it even come from"
He pointed at his head smiling. "Look, tensions are building high because were not exactly winning the war...-"
"- no were not winning. We were losing and in order to win to something your losing to, you have to make a comeback, were making a comeback. Were making progress."
"Wow. That's the first thing anybody has said about the war that I actually find true"
I smiled. "I know wall Maria was breached and I heard you lost a great deal that day and I am deeply sorry, but things must get worse before they get better. It's just the way of life"
"Wow. Where you getting all of this from?" he asked. I pointed to my head which made him laugh.
"You know something Eren. You should really smile more. You don't know how long we have left. You should spend the time smiling and being happy. Jumping at opportunities and not being held back from silly things."
"Silly things like love?"
"Exactly! The girl you love could die soon and she would never know how you feel"
"Yeah. I don't think she's gonna die any time soon"
"Whys that?"
"She's sorta kick ass"
"Oh, really"
"Yeah. But I agree with you. Love shouldn't hold us back." He said. And before I knew it, his hands were at the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss and to be honest, It felt good. He moved away, smiling.
"Wow. You really didn't let it hold you back did you" I said smiling.

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