Chapter 18

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"Right people! We need to be sharp and we need to be quick. You need to be precise and have good aim. Today, we work on focus, aim and precision. Firstly, I would like to stress that if I am in danger or anyone for that matter, and there is a high chance helping will put you at risk, don't do it! As nasty as it sounds if you feel as though it could kill you, you do not do it."
"But we're a team?" Sasha said confused.
"I get that you'd want to help them but think about it, would you want Connie to die trying to save you?"
"Exactly. So we stay back, unless you can kill Titans like me, Levi or Mikasa."
"But how do we know if we can kill titans like you if we don't ever put ourselves in those situations?" Connie asked, raising a good point.
"That's why you're all here today. We'll shoot from this post to this post, slashing the middle of the target."
"Have you seen how thin those poles are?" Sasha spat.
"Look. You're really good at killing titans but you can't even do that" Armin shook his head.
I stood up and sighed. Obviously I did it, slashing the middle of the target with precision. I coughed and smiled. "Would you like to question my capabilities again armin?" I said sarcastically.
"Erm. No." he muttered, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground.
I moved aside and indicated them to continue to train.
I could see Eren waving at me so I left my squad to practice on their own for a bit.
"Hey." I said smiling.
"Hello. How's this going?"
"Pretty well. They all think this is impossible because they obviously doubt themselves which is sad because they're all exceptional soldiers."
"Well now they have an exceptional leader." he smiled and put his arm around me. I moved him away and groaned.
"You're actually so cringe." I said smiling.
"I thought it was called being nice."
"No. There is an extremely fine line between nice and cringe and you've overstepped that line just by a smidge." I held my index and thumb up, showing him a small gap between the two.
"So no cringe?" He asked moving my hand away.
"No eren. No cringe please."
"Naomi!" someone shouted. I turned around and Levi rode over on a horse.
"We need you right away!"
He held his arm out so I grabbed it and he pulled me on to the back of the horse.
"You guys practice I'll be back soon!" I shouted to my squad, riding past. I wrapped my arms around Levi and he rode off.
We got to a small tent so I got off the horse and walked inside.
The king was there, which was odd because he rarely left his safe space.
I looked at him confused before smiling and walking over for a hug.
"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked patting him on the back before moving away from him.
"Well I'm here to discuss things with all of you. There is a food shortage and we need some people to go looking for some food, some berries or wheat."
"You need us to look for food?" I said confused. "You want us to risk our lives for berries and wheat?" I asked getting a bit angry.
"Look, we need this food. We have a famine on our hands." The king said sadly. "I don't want anybody knowing that I'm sending you on this expedition. But I'm sending a friend of yours with you." He said stepping aside to reveal tomaki standing there.
"With it being so small, I want all of you going." He said to me irwin and Levi. "Take him." He said to me, pointing at tomaki. "And that is it. Nobody else."
"Why are we taking him? It's dangerous and he isn't exactly a fighter." I rolled my eyes because the king always thinks he knows best, but he really doesn't.
"He knows a lot about good food and bad. Wether the berries are edible or not. You need him. He underwent training and he understands how to fight and kill titans. He may not be a scout but he is a warrior he can do it."
"I may not be a king but I am a scout, I know he can't do it." I said standing up. Levi put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me down on the chair again.
"I'm sorry my lord. My sister is suffering with lack of sleep. just ignore her."
"I know your sister very well and I know it is not the sleep causing her to speak like this, but her open mind. Although her mind may be open, her mouth should be closed. You all leave in an hour." He said walking away.
"He thinks he's so minty fresh with his porn tash. God I hate that guy sometimes! 'Her mind may be open but her mouth should be shut' say that again and my fist will be closed, coming at your face in supersonic speed!" I crossed my arms and groaned loudly.
"Have some respect for God's sake! He is your king." Levi hit the back of my head, scolding me.
"Yes he's the king, but he has basically signed our death warrant Levi! He wants us to go out in a group of four, dodge titans and bring back food. He's having a laugh, a good old joke to himself, because this really has to be a poor, inappropriate joke!"
"He told us to do something and we do it." Levi spat.
"What if you die?"
"I will have died for my king." He held his head up high and walked out, followed closely by irwin.
I shook my head and walked over to tomaki, hugging him. I moved away. "Do you think that you can look after yourself properly?" I asked.
"Of course I can, look at me."
"Then fine. Let's go prepare for this bloodbath."

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