Chapter 14

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Levi's POV
"Right people. Do not kill any of the titans unless it is entirely necessary" Irwin shouted. "I want it clean. We are going to save Naomi's squad. That is it"
Everyone nodded and we rode off.
I turned around and an abnormal ran straight past us.
"Follow it!" Hanji shouted.
"Are you crazy" Eren shouted.
"Yes my love, I am but I'm also aware titans won't run past humans like that unless there's something going on. There's a herd of titans in there which will lead us to your girlfriend "
Hanji rode off followed by Eren and then the rest of us.

"Hanji, there's like five Titans." I said nervously.
"An there's like four people in that tree" she pointed up and they were all sat there. All alive. All healthy, not injured.
"Levi?" She shouted.
"Nay'" I shouted back. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah! Were all okay. We just need to get down."
"Were gonna get you down. Just wait." I turned around and Eren was off his horse ready to bite his hand.
"No!" I shouted just as he bit into it. He turned into a Titan and went full rage.
"What are we waiting for! Let's help him!" Irwin shouted.

Naomi's POV
I looked down and Eren turned into a Titan and ran straight towards us, ready to kill the other titans.
"Eren no!" I shouted as he ran straight into the branch.
I fell but felt something go into my leg.
"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed. I looked up and armin was clung to a tree and Sasha and Connie were on another branch.
"Naomi are you okay?" Armin shouted.
"Yeah! I'm great"
I looked at my leg an then looked down. I pulled the 3DMG Out of my leg and shot myself towards another tree then landed safely on the ground. I limped behind a tree. I looked down at my leg and sighed.
"Fuck sake Armin" I sighed.
"Naomi!!" Armin shouted running over.
He saw me and shook his head. "I'm so sorry."
"Armin it's fine." I said looking down. As I went to look up I was pushed face first into the tree by Armin. I slowly peeled myself off and rubbed the blood off my face. I stood up but fell back on the ground again. I have to say, he got me pretty hard. Although, the only thing ripping me from falling unconscious were Armins piercing screams. I stood up and shook it off. A Titan had Armin, in his hands.
"Armin!!!!" I screamed. I shot up so I landed on a branch and shot the tree opposite, flying behind the Titan, slashing his neck as I swung by before shooting across again to catch Armin before he hit the ground.
"Naomi your nose" he said in shock.
"It's fine we gotta go" I said shooting off.
When everyone realised we were safe they began to retreat. I jumped onto the back of Levi's horse.
"So you guys eventually decided to come and help us then" I said sarcastically, as everyone began to retreat. I turned around and Eren was on mikasa's horse unconscious.
"What happened to Eren"
"He over worked himself again. There are limits to being that super" he said sarcastically. "I think your nose may be broken"
"I think so too. I'm always the one to be hurt."
"How's your leg?"
"Sore, but I can walk. It's just a flesh wound. Some stitches will fix it"
"I just wanted to say I'm proud of you. For once you didn't risk your life to save everyone. You just waited like you were suppose to."
"I gathered waiting would keep us all safe. I'm in charge of of these people and I have to keep them safe."
"You are turning into a leader."
I hugged him and watched as we approached home. When we got there Eren and I were immediately seen to.
My leg was stitched up, my arm was re bandaged and splinted and my nose was bandaged.
Armin walked in with some flowers. He put them in a vase and sat on the end of me bed.
"I'm so sorry, for everything I did to you"
"Armin you saved my life from that Titan. I'd prefer a broken nose then to be dead"
"I also shot my gear through your leg."
"I can see that." I smiled and shook my head. "It's fine. I just had a few stitches."
"Excuse me miss" a nurse said. "You have another visitor" she said before letting Eren in. He ran over and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry. Levi said I knocked the branch over"
"You did but I'm fine. We're fine. Armin saved me...twice." I said smiling at Armin.
"You saved her?" Eren asked. Armin nodded and Eren got up and hugged him. "Thank you" he muttered.
I pulled myself out of bed and smiled. "Hey, mind if you go to my cabin, grab me my dress and shoes please"
Eren turned around and nodded before walking away. I got out of bed and looked at Armin. "I honestly owe you bug time. Thank you so much for what you did for me. I am eternally greatful"
"You're not mad that I messed your face and leg up"
"Well I'm not happy about it either but I guess I will be fine. What's a few bruises when if you didn't do what you did I'd be dead." I held my arms open and he walked over.
"Armin, if our squad is under attack ever again, I'll be happy to know that you're there helping."
He pulled away and sat on the bed. "In all fairness, I honestly didn't think you'd be able to do this. I didn't think that you would be a good leader because you seek the thrill of a chase or a kill, which isn't a bad thing. But when we sat up in that tree together, just talking, I could see how much you have changed into an amazing leader and I am now proud to say I'm in the support squad. The main reason being is because what we did was kick ass."
I laughed at what he said.

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