Chapter 13

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Today I went to visit Annie. I sat by her crystal coffin as everyone was calling it and sighed.
"What did you do" I asked. "You were a good person Annie and you killed so many people. Good people." I put my hand on it and smiled. "I hope for your sake you never get out of this." I went to stand up when her eyes shot open. I screamed and jolted back a bit. I shook it off and crouched down next to her. "If you can hear me blink once" she blinked. I put my head against the crystal and sighed. "I'm a squad leader for the survey corps now. I've nearly died more times then I can count. Sustained a lot of injuries and I'm not dating Eren Jaeger"
Her eyes shot daggers at me. "Don't ever let anyone see you awake like this again Annie. It's too dangerous. They will kill you" she blinked once which i took as an ok. "I'll visit when I get back. We have to go on an expedition again." I smiled and walked off.

"Right you three." I said smiling. "This should be an easy mission. Hopefully were not going to run into any titans. And when I say we i mean us four. Today we are just back up." I shout. We rode our horses off into the forest and set up camp.
"Why are we doing this?" Armin asked.
"Because we have to" I said sitting down. I could then hear something. It was faint but I could still hear something.
"It so boring I want to help-"
"-shush" I interrupted.
"Excuse me" Armin asked rather shocked.
"Everyone into the trees now" I said standing up. Me and Armin shot our gear into a high branch on a tree and conie and Sasha did the same on the other.
"Oh my god" Armin whispered as almost 5 titans came towards us. They saw us in the trees and began jumping up and hitting the trees trying to get us. They rocked the tree so much the branch me and Armin were on snapped. I screamed but I didn't fall...I looked up and he shot his gear further into the tree and held my arm.
"I got you." He shouted. I winced in pain as he grabbed my bad arm because I took my sling off before coming out here. "Can you shoot your gear up and get on that branch." He asked.
"Yeah" I looked down and sighed. "Let go of me on the count of three and I'll shoot up."
"I'm not letting you go"
"Armin you have to trust me"
"If I let you go and a Titan gets you-"
"-a Titan will not get me but you have my broken arm and it's really fucking hurting so you have to trust that I'll be fine"
"One." He said looking up. "Two"
"Three" we said at the same time. He Let go of my arm and I shot up. I pulled him up and cried out in pain.
"Are you hurt" he asked.
"It's my arm. It's broken and it hurts"
"You guys okay?" Sasha shouted.
"We're good." I shouted back.
"We need to get out of here" Armin said scared.
"Soon enough the squads will turn up here"
"No, they won't. They'll look for the titans"
I grabbed the gun out of my belt and shot red into the air. "Now, we wait"

It has been hours and the titans are still here trying to get us and not one squad has shown up. Me and Armin swung to the other tree so we were with Sasha and Connie.
"Hey. So Armin. You were there when the colossal Titan broke through wall Maria" Connie said awkwardly. "what was it like" he asked. Armin looked down.
"Connie..." I said shaking my head.
"It's fine. It wasn't so bad for me. I mean yeah I was scared but Eren and Mikasa lost their mother."
"Armin you don't have to go on" I said kindly.
"No. It's fine. You've been through stuff." He said.
"Not like this"
"So you haven't been kidnapped like Mikasa or you haven't murdered people like Eren. Or had your entire home destroyed like all three of us."
"Don't shout at her she was being nice" Sasha interrupted.
"Actually. Levi was busy working and I lived on my own for the most part of my life and when I was 13, just before i decided I wanted to go into the survey corps, A man, burst through my house, said he was always looking for 'fresh meat.' He came at me with a meat clever, hacked me. I took it off him managed to kill him before two of his friends burst in. They threw me out of a second story window, luckily landing in a cart of hey. They came down and I killed them both before getting away. So yeah. Apart from getting my home destroyed by titans I understand what they went through except I didn't have anyone to save me like Mikasa and Eren I was left to fend for myself."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know" he said quietly.
"That's sorta the point of a secret"
"Guess sitting up here really does bring us all closer" Sasha said nervously.
"Yeah guess it does"

Eren's POV
"It's been three hours. They were told to set up camp. We have to get them!" I shouted.
"If we go there we will be killed" Irwin replied.
"She's my sister" levi stated simply.
"Then we can all guess that she is safe. Her and her squad. Are safe" he said looking at me.
"Guessing isn't enough" Levi said blankly.
"I can go in like a Titan, and get them out of there"
"No" Levi said shaking his head. "I love my sister dearly but we cannot loose you. We shall put a team together. A team of people that won't be rocked so easily. Mikasa, Irwin, me and Hanji. We go in and leave"
"No. I'm coming too. I made her a promise that I wouldn't try to keep saving her but my best friend an girlfriend are there. I want to help"
"Your what?" Levi and Mikasa asked in shock.
"Last night she agreed to be my girlfriend"
"Eren that's stupid" Mikasa said.
"I can't believe you did that" Levi sighed. "But fine. You can come. We go in, get them and leave. Evade as many titans as you can"

Naomi's POV
"Look, I can get them away from here" I said.
"No. We wait them out" Armin whispered.
"We've been up here, near the sun for four hours now. We've not eaten or drank for a while. We will dehydrate. They can't come and save us! They won't be allowed we have to get out ourselves."
"I say waiting them out is a lot better then losing you" Armin said.
Connie and Sasha agreed but these were members of my squad so I had to balance out the death probabilities. I was most likely going to die, but who knows, more titans could be waiting around the corner so waiting was definitely safer for us all.
"Fine. We wait" I sat back, leaning against the tree. "
"Surely Eren and Mikasa are worried about me. An Levi would be worried about you." Armin began to go off on one because he was scared.
"They're worried about all four of us. Stop panicking you know better then anyone Mikasa and Eren wouldn't leave anybody behind, especially not friends"
"She's right" Sasha spoke up.
"We could be left her to die." Armin whispered.
"So is he" Connie blurted.
"What's that?" Sasha asked looking at the Titan CRAWLING over rather quickly.
"It's an abnormal" I muttered.

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