Chapter 3

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I walked out of the room where Jean was being looked after and bumped into Levi. "So, you've really converted." He said.
"Look, I know you wanted me to be in the military police, but I've always wanted something more. It's just not enough anymore. If you're mad I understand but I'm a great scout."
"You were nearly killed twice on your first day."
"But I wasn't"
"How many times were you nearly killed in the military police."
"That speaks for itself then" he went to walk off so I grabbed his arm.
"I'm staying. I'll just move squads." I let go of his arm.
"No!" he shouted. "If you're a scout you're on my squad. I'm not having you die without me knowing."
I nodded and walked off, with a smile plastered on my face. I walked into the Canteen and saw the blonde haired boy from earlier. I walked Over and sat next to him.
"Hey. The girl from earlier" he said rushing around.
"Erm Naomi." I said following him, with a slight limp.
"How's the girl you saved earlier"
"She's good. Look I gotta go find my friends, come with me?"
I looked at my foot and smiled. "Okay." I said following him, acting like my foot was fine, when Mikasa and Eren burst through the door. "Armin" she said happily. She walked over and hugged him. Eren saw me and smiled.
"You're okay." He said smiling.
"You too..." I limped over to him so he grabbed me.
"Your foot? Still hurts?" He asked.
"Yeah. Probably just a bad sprain..."
"Can I have a look" he asked.
I smiled. "My feet might be a bit smelly." I said hopping on to a stool. He gently took my boot and sock off. He began moving my foot around.
"It's not broken. Could be just a sprain." He said smiling.
"How do you know that?"
"My father, he was a doctor"
"Ahh. Like father like son."
He stoop up. "Guess you could say that." He helped me up and bent over in front of me.
"What are you doing?" I asked trying not to laugh.
"Piggy back. You can't walk back to the horses can you?"
I smiled and climbed on to his back. He walked down to the horses with me, Mikasa and Armin. He helped me on to the spare horse, because we always run with two.
"Are you okay with riding the horse on your own?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said smiling.

The cart with the injured was in front of us so I galloped over to it. "Hey." I said to Jean. He looked up and smiled.
"Hey you"
"How you feeling?" I asked.
"Erm injured and useless how about you."
"Injured" I said holding up my sore foot. "And useful" I said with a wink.
"What happened to your foot?"
"Under the house. Think I sprained it. Still hurts like a bitch though"
"I know the feeling." He held his bandaged foot up.
"Is it broken?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna be out of action for a while"
"Awww I'm really sorry"
"Why are you sorry?" He asked smiling.
"You broke your foot trying to save me."
He smiled then his face went bright red. I looked around to see Mikasa ride next to me.
"Eren told me you saved his life, I would like to thank you" she said completely straight faced.
"He saved me as well, tell him thanks back" she nodded and fell back.
"You like her" I said smiling.
"No I do not"
"You're blushing!" I said smiling.
"Look, we're not close enough to talk about this..."
"We nearly died together. Id say were close enough" I winked and he laughed.
"You remind me of my old friend" he said looking quite sad all of a sudden. I then pieced it together. He's a scout! His friend probably died?
"Your friend must've been amazing then" I said winking.
"Yeah. Don't get too full of yourself"
I laughed. "When we get back mind showing me the ways of a scout?"
"I can't believe they let you swap."he said shaking his head.
"I'm skilled"
"Yeah your first day and you killed more titans then i have, period."
"And that's why they let me swap. They also put me on Levi's service and not because I'm his sister but because I'm one of the most talented soliders they've seen. With a bit of training, I could be as good as Levi."
"You might already be as good as him"
"No. He'd never get stuck under a house or nearly eaten by a Titan. But for saying it's my first day I'm happy there wasn't any deaths."
"This was a small mission. We take small groups."
"Where's Levi's squad anyway."
"What?" He asked confused.
"Well, I'm looking for one person in particular...Petra? Where is she?" I asked smiling.
Jean's face dropped. "She died. About a week ago"
"She and the rest of his squad were killed, everyone but Mikasa and Eren."
I gasped and put my hand over my mouth.
"Guess this is why Levi doesn't want me here. I was safer near the king"
"You know the king?"
"Know? He loves me. I'm his favourite, well was his favourite military police-woman. But because he love me he put in a good word with the commander, helping me get swapped around."
"What's he like?"
"Selfish at times. Moody. Bit snobby. But overall, if he likes you, you're treated well, if he dislikes you, well, you just don't want to get on his bad side. That's all I'm saying."
"Wow. Seems like a top notch guy" I let out a slight giggle. "Your laugh is cute"
"Your funny" I said sarcastically.
"I do think I'm rather funny" he said smiling and sitting up, as the cart went over a small bump causing him to hit his head a little bit. "Watch it!" He shouted rubbing the sore spot on his head. I burst out into laughter for a good minute then calmed down. But as always, my loud laugh was followed by a loud snort. My eyes shot open and I covered my mouth. I looked at Jean and his angry face turned into a happy one, laughing at the fact I sounded exactly like a pig on a farm.

Eren's POV
I'm sat on my horse watching as Naomi takes off towards the cart full of injured. Her long black hair was tinted purple and and it was just so wavy, like she had just walked out of a hair saloon. She was just so perfect. I can't get the image of her swooping in with her purple eyes and long hair and saving me from that Titan. It was almost like a dream. The sunlight shone behind her as she swooshed to the rescue.Her hair trailed behind her like a superhero's cape. She just looks and acts so different to Levi. It's hard to believe they're brother and sister.
"Hey. Why do you keep looking at her" Mikasa asked.
"Erm she um" I said trying to think of an excuse. "She saved my life."
"She did?" Mikasa asked confused.
"Yeah. And I haven't had chance to say thank you to her yet."
Mikasa nodded and rode off towards her. "Mikasa!" I shouted, but she didn't hear me. Mikasa spoke to Naomi and Naomi just smiled away, like she was as happy as Larry. Then, Mikasa fell back.
"She's very kind" she said straight faced.
"Yeah, she is."
"She told me you saved her too"
"Yep. Repaid my debt"
"I know you like her Eren. You keep looking at her." She said looking dead ahead.
"I do not!" I shouted.
"You do do Eren." Armin said smiling. "But she's Levi's sister and I think Jean has already claimed her"
"She's a person, not a piece of meat. She can't be claimed" I said defending her.
"And now he's defending her" Armin said winding me up.
"She's a skilled solider Eren, she knows your secret, she's really pretty and she looks in great shape. I don't understand what is wrong with her." Mikasa said.
"Nothing is wrong with her. I just don't see her in that way"
But I did. I didn't know this girl but she was already printed all over my mind like a stamp.

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