"Humans serve Muzan?" Nezuko asked incredulously.

"Most of them don't know who they're serving, I expect this one was a simple one-time job. He paid someone and they delivered... I also expect that they came home and found that they were to be a demon's meal," Tamayo explained.

"But what does this mean?" Yushiro asked again, "What message is he sending?"

"War," the Master stated, "He's warning us, showing us what he is willing to do. He killed his own comrades, disposed of the weaklings, and sent their remains to us to warn us that if we fight... we fight a terrible war."

"We are already at war," Yushiro growled, "We have been for centuries."

"Yes," Tamayo nodded, "But now we have something that disturbs him."

"What?" Nezuko asked.

Tamayo looked at her, "You."

Nezuko's eyes widened. "What?"

"It's what I wanted to speak to you for," the Master murmured.

"What?" repeated Nezuko.

"Your brother is the closest to Muzan," the Master explained.

"If he could tell us where Muzan is, give of inside information on the Demon Moons - " Yushiro began.

"He can't," Nezuko murmured, "Tanjiro can't..."

They all looked to her.

"He found out," Nezuko gritted, "Muzan knows that Tanjiro and I are connected... that's why he sent this," she looked to the broken swords and eyeballs. "It's to tell me... remind me that he can destroy Tanjiro and break me. He's telling me to stay away."

Tamayo's gaze was full of nothing but concern for the girl.

"I cannot expect you to jeopardize your brother's safety then," Master Ubuyashiki murmured kindly.

Nezuko's anger burned within her and she clenched her jaw, "I know that you hoped for more information... but... but Tanjiro's shut himself off from me. Even if I could talk to him, I'd be putting him in danger. I can't."

"I know," the Master nodded, "I know you can't."

"All might not be lost," Tamayo assured the girl, "Your brother has already given us critical information. We know Muzan's pattern of movement because of him, we have seen Muzan's cunning, you've seen a few of the Upper Moon's through his eyes, you've already done enough."

"Not to mention you saved Kyojuro's life," the Master smiled, "And everyone aboard that train."

"The train!" Nezuko cried, suddenly remembering it all, "Everyone's alright!? How are Zentisu and Inosuke!? Rengoku-san is okay too? What happened to the Upper Moon? How long was I asleep?"

Master Ubuyashiki laughed softly and leaned backward, "Everyone is fine. Inosuke and Zentisu went off on a minor mission, Kyojuro did as well. You gave them quite a scare, you've been sleeping for five days, a consequence of your regeneration I suppose."

Nezuko released her breath and sighed, "So everyone's alright?"

"Yes," Lady Tamayo assured her.

"You did well Nezuko, Kyojuro has done nothing but praise you since his return," the Master smiled.

Nezuko smiled, a bit embarrassed, "It wasn't just me..."

"No, but it couldn't have been done without you," the Master smiled, "Now, return to the butterfly estate. Something tells me that those girls will not be too thrilled that you've run out of their building before they've released you, again."

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