"I see it," Pip mumbled and started prodding the area around the splinter.

Krey didn't care if Pip's actions hurt. He had shifted to his wolf a million times. Nothing else outweighed that pain.

Krey, if he could, would sink his nose into Pip's brown hair. His head was so close, Krey couldn't stop himself from breathing his scent in deeply. He hoped Pip couldn't tell his heart was beating at a ridiculous rhythm.

Krey could smell Pip's soap on his skin, the fabric softener on his clothes, the deodorant he wore, and the slight scent of- bread and cheese. Krey guessed Pip had eaten a sandwich for lunch.

Pip's natural scent still pushed through, sweet and addicting, a scent that would never wear out.

"I used to get splinters a lot." Pip's voice was as soft as distant birds. His face was close enough to Krey's hand that he felt his breath. "I used to climb the trees in the woods."

"Me too," Krey said, and he must have been closer than Pip expected because he looked up. An inch closer, their noses would have touched.

Krey didn't move a muscle. He heard Pip's heart skip a beat with his unnatural werewolf senses.

Pip's eyes fell back to his hand with pink cheeks.

You should have kissed him. Krey stared at Pip's concentration face, biting his bottom lip, and frowning.

He didn't know when his Omega had returned, but he suddenly noticed Francis putting a hot drink on the table with a daft grin.

"For Pip," Francis mouthed and gave Krey two excited thumbs up, then tiptoed away.

Krey watched her leave, but her scent lingered, and he knew she now waited for him in a different part of the library so that Krey could have some time alone with Pip.

"Almost got it," Pip said, pinching the skin on Krey's thumb. Pip had to take a badge off his bag to coax the splinter out with something sharp.

The splinter was stubborn, but so was Pip, sometimes, and he didn't give up until the splinter was in his hand.

Krey rubbed his thumb and then flicked the splinter away. Good riddance.

As Pip reattached the badge to his bag, Krey's eyes ran up and down his body. He couldn't wait until they were comfortable enough for Krey to wrap his arms around Pip's waist, or run his fingers through his hair, or kiss his lips. The thought made Krey hot under his clothes. "Francis got you a drink," he said to distract himself.

Pip pointed to the cup on the table, and Krey nodded. Pip took the lid off and steam poured out. "H-Hot chocolate." Pip smiled. "Francis is so kind." Pip sipped it. "How long have you known Francis?"

"Not long." Krey could see the questions forming behind Pip's dazzling blue eyes.

"How long have you um..." Pip looked around and whispered, "lived at the institute?"

Krey looked around too. The only other people in the central part of the library were two people with headphones on and books to their noses. "All my life," Krey said. "I was born there."

Pip curled his fingers around the drink and held it to his chest. "It's big enough to be a palace," Pip said with a soft chuckle.

It is, Krey thought. Well, at least it is in my world. Krey didn't want to live in a separate world from Pip, but they would continue to feel a thousand feet apart until Pip knew about his wolf that clawed to get out.

"I know you have questions about the institute," Krey kept his voice low and quiet, "but I'd rather answer them when I know we're definitely alone."

Pip nodded. "I understand."

Krey watched him sink back into the cushions with a book in one hand and a hot chocolate in the other. One day, Krey's staring wouldn't be so strange and intense to Pip, but right now, Krey had to divert his eyes whenever he could.

After a while of staring around and around the library, Pip suggested that Krey looked for a book. They were still sitting somewhat close on the couch, Krey didn't want to leave his side. "I'm not much of a reader," Krey admitted. He had too many things on his mind, Pip being one of them.

Pip closed his book, this time, for good. He looked at Krey with an essence of curiosity. His blue eyes quickly darted around Krey's face until Pip got shy and looked away. "We c-could maybe- um," Pip started fidgeting with the empty cup. His cheeks were reddening. "I-If you have nothing else to do... we could..." Pip couldn't seem to form his sentences.

Judging by his awkward and nervous stuttering, Krey knew what he was trying to ask. "Shall we have our date now?" he asked as though he was asking what he was having for dinner. Krey was always relaxed on the surface, but much like a volcano, the dangers lurked within.

Pip silently nodded. His cheeks were now beetroot and had spread to his nose. He could barely look Krey in the eye, but Krey liked his awkwardness and how Pip's stuttering only made him cuter.

"What shall we do?"

"I-I don't know. I've never been on a date before."

Krey had no money on him. Maybe he could borrow some from Francis. Scrounging money from an Omega somehow didn't feel right. Krey's pride was too big.

A walk in the woods didn't feel like date material. "I don't know what to do either." Krey was simply honest. He didn't want to be too strong-headed and make all the decisions. Pip would have plenty of time to know that side of him later.

"Um, maybe we can sit at Crescent h-hill. It's only a t-twenty-minute walk from here."

"What if it rains?" Krey knew the place.

"Then it rains." Pip smiled, and Krey melted.

"Alright, then." He stood and waited for Pip to put the book back and get his coat on.

They walked together through the library. Krey spotted Francis in another room. She would follow, but not make herself known. Krey didn't mind if Francis watched them or heard their conversations. Francis didn't judge like other wolves, and she didn't love gossip like other wolves.

Pip went ahead of Krey through the glass sliding doors. He stopped abruptly, and Krey almost walked into him. Though Krey knew why he stopped. He felt it on his skin.

"I hoped it would snow," Pip said with a grin the same shape as the moon.

Krey watched the white flakes float past his face and cover the ground. Only an inch of snow had covered the ground, so far.

Without warning, chilled fingers wrapped around Krey's fingers.

Krey's heart jolted with surprise as he looked down to their connecting hands. A mate's touch was like no other physical contact. Krey's skin buzzed and his head mushed. He turned into a soppy mess who wanted to exist solely for his mate.

"Will you be warm enough?" Krey asked though Pip was bundled in multiple layers while Krey only had his jacket. Krey didn't feel cold the way humans did. He hoped Pip would find that suspicious. He had to start dropping clues about his werewolf qualities.

"I think so," Pip said as they descended the steps. "Will you?"

"I don't really feel the cold," Krey said with as much seriousness as he could muster.

Pip hummed a response of interest. "But it's snowing."

"I'm always warm."

Pip looked down to their hands, most likely realising that Krey was right. His skin was hot to the touch. "I-It's good that I forgot my gloves then."

If he gets cold, at least I have a reason to hug him. Krey squeezed his hand as the snow crunched under their feet.

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