Chptr 21: The Gender Reveal

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Your POV

"It's time!!!" I say coming out of our bedroom after getting ready for the big moment!

Barry and (D/N) looked so great with their pink and white.

We went to our car and left to Joe's and Iris's house. The whole car ride Barry and I were telling eachother what we would do if the gender was a boy, or a girl.

"If it's a girl, when we are painting the room, I am going to paint her something to do with princesses."

"If it's a boy, I going to put little teddy bears with blue bow's on them, on a desktop, with a small lamp, and the baby monitor."

I, of course, was more specific on what I wanted to do for my little guy.

We arrived at Joe's house. When we got out of the car, I immediately saw Felicity and she saw me. "Hey, (Y/N)! How's baby life treating you?"
"It's great! I can't believe you made it! Wait, did Oliver come?"

Yes, and Diggle, and Thea... Hey Barry!" She says, waving at them from behind me with her left hand. "Wait a second." I grabbed her hand and saw she had an engagement ring on. "DID?????" I saw pointing at her hand. She nodded. "After everything you've been through, I have to say, I saw it coming. Working with you love birds was hard." I say letting go of her hand. "But, now, you work with me... I mean not at the moment, but after.." Barry said, comming towards me and Felicity.

"Okay, let's go inside.." Barry and I both say as we both step on the steps, leading to the door. Before I get the door knob I hear a 'click' and I see a flash. "Sorry, I really wanted to keep this memory. It's a cute picture though. I'll send it to you." Felicity said, behind us. I open the door.

"Hello!!!" Everyone yells. It would be a surprise if we didn't know, but we did, so here we are.

"Thanks guys... but seriously, what is the gender?" I say, full of joy.

Iris came in the room, "I am the one and only one who knows.. Right?" "Right."

There are so many treats that are blue and pink. I turned around to see everyone and about 75% of them were wearing pink, the others were wearing blue. We were playing games, listening to family and friends debate on what will happen when they find out what the baby is.

I was just sitting there thinking, I have such a great family, such amazing friends. I have such a great life, and this moment of laughter and happiness, feels amazing!

"It's time!" Iris says, bringing the cake.

"Man, is it just me, or am I hearing, 'it's time' so many times today." Barry says, holding the knife and plates.

"Okay, here's the plan.. You will open the cake to see what gender. And then we eat the cake.... Deal. It's pretty easy."

"Okay." Barry and I both say as we hold onto the knife.

We cut the cake, and before we could see any color, (D/N) comes. "Wait mommy, someone wanted me to give you this..." She gave me a pink note. Barry was already jumping. I grabbed his shoulder, so we could both see what the note would say...

IT'S A BOY!!!!

I had tears running down my face and then Iris yelled, "Surprise!" And everyone threw blue confetti at us. I was so happy!! Barry came up to me and kissed me on my lips. "Guess you won the bet. Can I, at least, help??" He said hopefully.

"That was my plan." Giggles following after. (D/N) comes and says, "So I won't have a baby sister?"

Barry said, "Sorry honey, I wanted a girl too."

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