Chptr 8: My New Life

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Your POV

It's been 2 years since I last saw anyone, except my family, from Central City.
I lived in STAR city with my amazing best friend, Felicity Smoak. I worked at the same place she did. Queens consolidated.

I was also a superhero that worked with the Green Arrow. My name was (Y/H/N). I found out who the Green Arrow is and my life was so much more complicated now, than it was before. I had friends who died, but came back to life. I had dated so many guys that reminded me of Barry, but none of them were good. They would always use me, so I had trust issues. I've been held captive and tortured for 7 days and for every scar, there is a story. Noone knows my identity, unless, it's Oliver or Felicity. I always wore a (Y/F/C) mask and an amazing (Y/F/C) suit that matched the color of my powers. Oh and did I mention I have all my powers now!

I have super speed, telekinesis, mindreading, wings, super leaps, super strength, and invisibility. I use every single one of my powers, but they always remind me of what is going to happen.

"(Y/N), Sweetheart. Oli and I are going out. Can you watch out for the monitors while we are gone?" Felicity said with a smile.
"Yeah." I looked her in the eye and I heard the thoughts say, "I'm gonna try and have some fun, just, I know you're hearing this... DON'T BURN THIS PLACE UP. If you ruin something on my computer, I. Will. Ruin. You. Understood."
"Yes ma'am."
We all giggle.
"Bye guys." I wave.
I don't use my mindreading on Oli, because he has many secrets and I'm okay if he doesn't tell me, he is kind of like a big brother to me so, I don't want to push him away.

I put my superhero suit on and i stay with the computers. I trained with Diggie for a while but he had to leave. I was talking with Thea, but she had a club to go to. I still wasn't very active. I never went to parties, unless they were elegant parties where I had to take someone to Green Arrow.

These 2 years have been so hard for me. When Green Arrow meets up with The Flash. I always have to leave. I told Oli everything about it, but I also told him to not tell Barry. For sometime I thought Barry was The Flash, and I still think so. I just never research if he was or wasn't.

Complications With My HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora