Chptr 9: It's gonna happen

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I was training by myself, with my superhero outfit on. I was flying everywhere and I accidentally broke the 4 dumbies we had, when no one was around.

As I was finishing up, I felt this breeze. I turned around to see this blurry man in red. I tried reading his mind, but they were blurry as well. I'm so glad I had my mask on. "Who are you?" He said sternly.
"I work with your friend. If you want him now, you can wait. I'll call him." I say calmly walking to the computers and calling Felicity.

F: Heyy Gorgeous, we were just leaving, what's up.

Me: The Flash is here, come and bring Ol-Green Arrow with you.

F: He knows Oli's secret, it's okay.

Me: okay, hurry. I can't be here any longer.

F: okay, almost there.

I hang up the phone. I looked over to The Flash and he wasn't blurry anymore, so I saw every one of his features. So I tried to read his mind. "Why does she look familiar? Why do I want to trust her? What are her powers? Does she know who I am?"
That voice to those thoughts sounded so familiar, but I couldn't remember who sounded like that.
"Who are you?" The Flash asked more calm.
"I'm none of your business." I say with some attitude. "Okay, none of your business. Can I trust you?" Just as he finished his sentence Oliver came.
Felicity came to me and hugged me. "Time to go, now." I said. And as we were walking out I heard the name Savitar.
I turned around and ran towards The Flash, with my super speed.
"What did you just say?!"

"I said, something about Savitar." He said confused.
I looked over to Oliver and I transfered my thoughts to his brain. "That's the guy I need to meet, so I can die. The Flash is going to say something before I die and Savitar is going to say he cared about me!! It's all gonna happen"
"Calm down. It's okay. We will figure this out." Oliver said.
"What's happening?" The Flash said, all confused.

"I need to go." I said quickly before leaving to a balcony with Felicity. I let my wings out and flew to Central City. Once I got there I saw him.


I told him, "Dr. Wells. I take you in now." And I turned around so he could follow me. But as I turned around I saw him again. "So. You know who I am?" He asks flirtatiously

"No, now let's go."
I took him to an abandoned house, where I go to think.

The Flash's POV

"Who was that?" I asked after she ran away.
"Just some person, you would love her." Oliver said as he nudged my arm.
"What are her powers?" I asked curiously.
"She has 7... but I can't tell you them. So anyways, what about Savitar?" Oliver tried changing the subject.

"Well he asked for (Y/N), but Dr. Wells said she left Central City because she couldn't handle anything after she figured her powers. And after 2 years our newest Villian wants (Y/N). I just don't think she left, out of nowhere. She had a reason, and I know she wouldn't leave me, but I lost feelings for her and grew more feelings for Iris. We are engaged now. I just can't help but think, something happened to her." I said as Oliver went to sit down.

Felicity turns around and said, "Well good thing she's still here." And as she said that her eyes widened. And Oliver got off his chair and walked towards Felicity.

"What?!" I said surprised of what she said. "Nothing." They both say in unison.

"(Y/N) is here. Yes! She can help!" I say excited to beat Savitar.
"She can't.." Oliver said. I was so confused. He sat me down and told me everything. Even about Dr. Wells. But what he didn't tell me was, who or where she is now.

"She also has been through so much now." Felicity said.
So (Y/N) will beat Savitar, Iris will marry me, but (Y/N) will still die.

Why didn't (Y/N) tell me. I loved her.

Your POV

I was talking to Savitar when he took of his mask. It was Barry, but with a burn on the side of his face. I brought my hand to touch his burns. At first he flinched, but then he relaxed and he held my hand. I was staring into his dark green eyes and I put my other hand on his other cheek. "I know everything now." He said so calmly. I was still looking into his sad eyes. "So we have to think.. when are you going to do it?" I said as calmly as I could.

"You still want me to do it?!" Savitar said and move his face from my hands. "You know, I feel everything normal Barry feels. I know everything normal Barry knows. I see everything normal Barry sees. I listen to everything normal Barry listens to. I smell everything normal Barry smells. And I love everything normal Barry loves. But the problem is Barry doesn't love you anymore. AND I DO! I love you and I can't stop thinking about you, I need to kill Iris. I nee-"
"If you kill Iris, you also die and will never find happiness again. If you kill me, you will die too and we will live happily together. But if I die you can't go with me. So, you will trick everyone, but killing something else. And when Barry defeats you and takes you to the speed force, that's when you take me. Got it." Savitar was surprised, but then understood, what I was trying to say. Okay

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