Chapter 58 - Soul mates. When two souls, are perfect mates.

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I nodded, and sipped the coco. "I don't understand this. I'm always happy, and easy going."!

"Things change, events change us," itching, "we just have to go with it.

I hate to mention him. "Could this be some trauma from he who shall not be named."

Looking at her again, "It could be suppressed trauma because of," growling, "him."

I look at her, "If this comes down to a c-section. Would you be in the room helping, or waiting?" I smile, "Getting my plan in order."

"Glad to help, as always." I smile back. "I was booted out last time, not to mention you said you weren't a fish." Bursting out laughing.

I looked at her, "I allowed you back in. For the record, I'm not a fish."

"That was still funny." I try keeping a straight face.

"The idea of being a fish came to my mind.

"I couldn't help but giggle. It is very different when someone I love is going through the moves." It was true, it's hard.

My tone changed, "Dr.Martin is concerned about labor again."

"Cross that bridge when we get closer." It gets my mind ticking over.

I nodded, "So Sam was heard gloating about you."

"Damn well knew it, he," growling, "lied, there was supposed to be a truce but I will not be drawn into his game." Rage rage and more rage, I felt hurt.

"Whoa calm down. It's good. He said you're a great person, and are great at keeping us safe."

Okay so I over reacted, "Thought he'd turned into his usual self," rubbing my head, "my temper will be my downfall some day."

I laughed, "Ara trust me, nobody has seen my full temper."

Giggling, "I hope I won't see it but there again that wasn't me at full volcano either." I wink.

I smiled, "With the way I punched Sam, maybe a quarter of my temper."

"Whoa, hate to see you at full tilt then." Stretching.

I smiled, "I've never completely lost it. I hope I never do. It could be damaging. That's not a joke."

I remember something she told me ages ago. I nod in agreement. I remember the night Kimi tortured us both, I remember seeing Leah's father drop and Leah changing, I bite my lip and nod in agreement.

I rubbed my stomach, leaning over slightly

Quickly I grab a bucket, ",Easy." Rubbing her back.

"It creeps up." I focus my breathing

"Something for me to look forward to at some point." I go to get her a glass of water.

"Oh god." I feel a sharp cramp.

"Anything i can do?" I feel helpless.

"Your hand." I'm hunched over.

I give her my hand, quickly.

"Dr. Martin said cramps are normal. That was really hard. Can we sit down?" I'm rocking gently.

I pick her up and put her gently on my bed, "The most comfy place." I smile.

I laid on my side. "It's eased up. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's a natural human thing," I run my fingers gently through her hair, "never be sorry for something you cannot help."

"They can be stronger sometimes. I forget that." I smile looking at her, "No more kids for a while after this."

The Life of Leah Clearwater (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora