Chapter 15 - Imprint isn't your typical relationship word.

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I woke up, and was in a different room. "Relax you're in your room. Your mom, and Charlie went back to grab some dinner. Hunter went with them." Esme stroked my hair. I blinked a few more times. Rosalie stepped in quietly, carrying a paper bag.

Emmett walked in behind her, "How's my wolf girl doing?"

I shrugged.

"A little disoriented. She just woke up." Esme spoke softly.

Emmett smiled, "Cheeseburger sub. Ketchup, mayo, mustard, hold the garden."

I smiled, "You're good." He nodded. Esme moved the bed carefully to help me sit up. Rosalie opened the container for me. I ate quietly, enjoying the taste. My eyes closed as I devoured the sub.

Once I finished I leaned back. Rosalie cleaned up.

Emmett stood beside the bed, "Nessie pestered to come. The rest of the family is at your house.”

I looked up at him, “Where is she?”

He looked at me, “You can’t hear her anymore?”

I shook my head, “Nope. I have average hearing now.”

Emmett laughed, “She’s pacing the waiting area. Please let her come in.”

I agreed, “She has to be easy ok. I’m still really sore.” He nodded, and left to retrieve her.

Esme looked at me, “You’re going to be ok. It’s scary I know.”

I nodded, “Just some hard decisions to make.

Rosalie looked at me, “Could you adopt, or foster?”

I shrugged, “Adoption can take a long time, and a lot of money. Fostering, well it’s not what I could do. They’re with you for a short time, then gone. It would be continuously ripping my heart, and soul out. I can’t do that.” With that, the topic of children had ended. 

Renesmee walked in timidly. “Uncle Emmett said I could hug you. He said, you’re really sore.”

I nodded, “Unfortunately yes, so a light hug.”

She did just that. “So are you ok?”

I shrugged, “I’ll be ok. Nothing they can really do. My doctor will monitor it. Now I have to sit down, and talk to your uncle.”

Renesmee nodded, “You can consider me a daughter if you’d like.”

Her soft smile, and angelic face made me tear up. “Thank you hun.”

She was just looking around the room. “Renesmee Carlie Cullen what’s wrong?” I called her full name, in order to pull her attention back to me. That’s when she started to cry. I moved as best as I could, and patted the bed, “Come sit with me hun.” She sat beside me, and laid her head against me.

“I’m sorry. I just feel bad.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder wincing, “Listen this is natural.”

She choked, “You want kids, and can’t now.”

I inhaled deeply, “It may be a while. That’s ok.” I coughed a little, and gasped.

Esme gently pushed the pillow against my stomach, “Easy. Deep breath in.”

I inhaled, and exhaled, trying to regulate my breathing. Renesmee went quiet.

Emmett smiled, “She dozed off.”

I pulled the blanket over her. “She’s exhausted. Let her sleep. Even if it’s for the night.” That’s what she did. I smiled and held her, and slowly fell asleep myself.

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