"Let's bring her home soon." Peter managed to say, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Don't worry, we will." I told him firmly, trying to stay optimistic. "I'll have Happy take you home."

"Thank you Mr. Stark, I'll see you tomorrow."

I watched as Peter stumbled out of the lab, and silently I wondered if he would be able to get to the car alright. I watched the doorway he walked out of a little longer, then another figure appeared.

"Mr. Stark, I don't think you should allow Peter to keep doing this." Vision explained firmly as he walked through the doorway. His purple skin appeared more red in this lighting, and the yellow stone in his head shined a little brighter in the shadows.

"He insists on it, and he's been a great help." I quickly replied, brushing away the idea of telling him to stop. With him actively searching the city, I feel more at peace staying behind in the lab where I can search for other ways to track her. Not wanting to hear what Vision had to say, I turned around and headed back to my chair.

"He's just a child, have you really looked at him lately?" Vision pushed harder, following close behind. "He's doing this because he cares about Alice just as much as any of us do."

I stopped before I could sit down, and turned around to face Vision. He's a lot taller than me, so it was easy for him to feel more in charge.

"That's exactly why we need him! He cares about her, so he isn't just going to give up on her so easily. If I told him to go home, do you really think he would listen?" I added, half yelling in a useless attempt to feel more in control.

"Even if he wants to do this, our wants don't always aline with our needs. What happens if he falls asleep while he's swinging around the city? He could get hit by a bus, he could die. If he continues like this at the rate he is, it will kill him I promise you that." Vision explained firmly, though he still wasn't yelling. Sometimes I envy him for being so in control.

But at the realization that this could kill him, my heart sank.

"If you really care about Peter, don't let him go back out tomorrow. Take away his suit, send him back home where he can recover. Think about what it would do to Alice if he died looking for her, what it would do to everyone? Do you really want to have his blood on your hands?" When he realized he had my full attention, he returned to his usual tone.

"I suppose you're right." I admitted through gritted teeth, though the guilt still pinged at me knowing I would have let him continue. "I'll make sure he doesn't go out tomorrow."

"Thank you." Vision said softly, sounding relieved as he gently bowed his head. I watched as Vision turned around, and headed back towards the door. But just as he reached the door, he stopped and turned back around to face me. "Oh, and please take care of yourself. You won't be helping anyone either if you continue like this." Vision added. He watched me a moment longer, then turned around and headed back out the door.

I got back to work, though I couldn't seem to get Vision's voice out of my head. Hearing Vision tell me to take care of myself repeated in my mind until I have in.

Finally taking Vision's advice, I left the lab and headed back to Pepper and my living quarters.

It almost felt weird walking in the room. It was so familiar, yet so different. The only light in the room was from the lamps, giving the dark room a softer feel. The room looked very clean, though the bed was half made. Plus, the room smelled like Pepper's rose shampoo and conditioner. Pepper wasn't in there, but her book was on the bed so I assumed she'd just left for a bit.

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