Chapter 2

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Alana POV

'So are you going to tell me why we got up at five in the damn morning' We're going for a run. I reach to adjust my weights, setting each a pound higher. 'How much does that weigh? That must feel exhausting' Well yesterday I set them to the lowest setting, all together they weighed 32 pounds. 'So today they weigh 36 pounds?' Yep. I scarfed down a bowl of cereal before heading out the door. 'Where are we going to run anyway?' Today we're starting with one lap around Konoha, then we'll do stretches. 'Again I say, you're insane' Noted.

I'm going to try to do this without using chakra. No one was out because of how early it was, the silence was comforting. The goal is to keep an even pace all the way around. 'You're a quarter of the way through and this already hurts like hell.' That's the idea! If it hurts it means it's working! 'Ooh so your a masochist!' Wrong!

I let the Hyuga compound act as my third of the way check point. By now my throat was hurting so I pulled the water bottle from my pouch and drank while I ran. 'Why not just stop to drink water?' My muscles will cool down, I need to keep going. 'Oh look the Hokage mountain, and look at all those steps! We should turn back now!' I am willing to suffer. 'Weirdo' I'll take that as a compliment. 'You really shouldn't' The Nara compound was my 3/4 of the way checkpoint. I distracted myself from the exhaustion with plans for the future. I wanna meet everyone! I'm not going to change everything, but I'll definitely try to prevent some deaths. 'And you should get with Sasuke' I'm good thanks. I should get a sword!

I collapsed in some random training ground. I'm thankful that it was empty. 'How do you feel?' Kind of like I got hit by a car. 'What's a car?' A vroom vroom wagon. 'A what?' Never mind. I need to get up and stretch. 'Why?' I could pull a muscle, and it feels good. I did the splits for a couple minutes before going through the basics. 'Spines shouldn't bend that way.' But they do! We should head back to the house and shower. 'The best idea you've had today.' I jogged back to the house, it was around seven by now. Turning the handle slowly, I made it too the bed room making as little noise as possible. 'Sounds like something a serial killer would do.' Ninja and serial killer aren't that far off! 'Sure thing psycho'


I rinsed off and got dressed. 'We need to get going! The academy starts at eight and today is graduation!' It is? Why didn't you say anything!? '...I forgot' I sighed. Oh well, I'll just run. I rushed out of the house only to see crowded streets. 'Shit it's rush hour' Yeah, wait I have an idea! 'Go for it' Turning into an alley way, I grabbed for a pipeline and heaved myself onto the building. 'That was graceful' Not the point. I started running on the rooftops, that way I would make it to the academy on time. 'Slow down! There's a gap up ahead.' Indeed there is. There's also a pipeline. 'What are you planning?' Something great! I started to sprint, when I reached the edge I pushed off and put my arms out. 'We're gonna die!' I grabbed a hold of the pipe, swinging around like I was on the double bars again! The landing wasn't all that graceful, a pathetic somersault allowed me to keep my momentum and start running again. 'Eeee! That was so cool!' I told you so! We made it to the academy on time, I did a flip off the building and caught myself on a laundry line. 'We're not late, but we're definitely not going to be able to sit next to Sasuke-kun!' Fantastic. 'Don't be such a downer! He's really pretty!' Sure, for a duck.

Inner guided me through the academy. When we got to the classroom the door was blocked by Ino and I think her name was Ami? 'Yup, she's a bitch.' The sass. To lazy to deal with their bullshit, I jumped up and grabbed the top of the door frame. I swung myself over the two girls and landed inside the classroom. Ino didn't even yell at Sakura, heck it took her a second to resize who she was. "Forehead! What the hell happened to you? And did you get a tan or am I seeing things?" I barked a laugh before getting more serious. "I've gained perspective so to say. Today's graduation, I'm going to try and take everything more seriously which means," I let myself fold to an angle, trying to bow. "I'm done going after Sasuke, and if you're ok with it, I want to be friends again. I'm sorry." Ino look aghast, shocked, astounded. She furrowed her eyebrows clearly trying to come up with something to say. 'I think you broke her.' You may be right. Ami looked uncomfortable and clearly wanted to leave the doorway, sadly Ino was still subconsciously pushing her away. "Is this some kind of new strategy forehead?! I won't fall for it! You're just trying to get my Sasuke-kun!" I shrugged and turned away. "Welp, I tried." 'Indeed' She'll get over it once she meets Sai. 'Ooo! A love interest for Ino-pig?' Yup, they should still end up together. I walked over to the desks, hardly paying attention to the shocked faces of the other students. 'Did you really have to do that?' Please, they'll get over it. Some of my classmates came to their senses and went on with their lives. Especially a certain loud blonde. "Wow Sakura-Chan! You look really different! Not bad different, don't take that the wrong way ya know? Do you think you could sit with me dattebayo?" Well at least he appreciates my style. 'I still prefer the qipo' Uh huh. I turned back to Naruto. "Sure why not?" Naruto looked like he was going to cry. 'He tearing up!' I ignored Naruto's expression and walked over to an empty seat, seeing as Naruto didn't hesitate to sit next to me.

I'm going to make it one of my goals to be kind to Naruto, he's had a rough life already. 'How so?' The people of this god-forsaken village are convinced that Naruto is the embodiment of the nine tails when in fact he is the host. Naruto is a jinchuriki. 'That, that actually makes a lot more sense.' Yeah, oh look hear comes Iruka. Said Chunin strutted up to the desk holding a clipboard. "Alright since everyone is accounted for, let's begin the graduation exams! Please head to room 305 when you're name is called. First up, Aburame, Shino." Alright so we're doing this in alphabetical order. I turned to Naruto. "Wake me up when they call my name." I passed out on the desk. Naruto looked surprised. "Sakura-Chan?"


"-kura, Sakura! Wake up, it's your turn." I opened my eyes with a grunt. Naruto smiled down at me guiltily. "Oh your awake! Sakura-Chan they called your name!" I stood, giving my back a satisfying crack. "Thanks Naruto, wish me luck!" 'He looks like a tomato.' No wonder Sasuke kissed him. 'WHAT!?' Nothing, NaruHina forever! 'I want answers young lady!' Soon, I promise. Inner had to guide me to the examination room. Iruka smiled, while marking his clipboard. "Alright Sakura, I need you to make at least three clones." Well fuck, I know the hand sign, just give me a quick run down on what to do with the chakra. 'Imagine splitting jello with a fork! Wait no that's a su-' That'll work! I spread my feet out before raising my hands to form the proper sign. "Clone jutsu!" I imagined splitting jello, jiggle jiggle. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for the failure. "Congratulations Sakura, five clones! You passed with flying colors!" I opened my eyes, startled. To my left was three clones, to my my right were the other two. "I did it!" Iruka looked at me oddly. "What do you mean? You've always been able to make clones." I panicked slightly, quickly barking out an excuse. "Well you see, before I could only make three. I've been trying to widen my chakra reserves with extra training. I'm just glad it payed off!" Iruka smiled, he was a bit startled at her 180 personality change, but glad none the less. He pulled out a forehead protector. "Well here you go! Thank you for your time at the academy. Could you call in Hinata for her examination." I nodded taking the smooth piece of metal, I tied it around my forehead letting the two loose pieces of hair flow over it. 'We passed!! Do you think Sasuke-kun will be impressed?' I sighed. I'm sure he will Inner.

I slid the door to the classroom open. "Hinata, your next!" Said girl pinkened slightly before nodding bashfully. So kawaii! 'Small mochi child' Naruto grinned foxily. "Sakura-Chan! You passed! I hope we're on the same team dattebayo!" I nodded while walking back to the door. "I have a feeling we will be! See ya!" 'Wait, do you end up on the same team?' Yup, it'll be me, Naruto, and Sasuke. 'Sasuke-kun?' I regret telling you this. Inner guided me out of the academy to where the parents gathered.

Kizashi wasn't quite sure what had happened to his daughter, Mebuki wasn't much better. Mebuki fully supported her daughter's conquest for the Uchiha, not so much with ninja part. They were higher class civilians, not payed murderers. But there was their little Sakura, wearing mostly black, weights, and hitai-ate strung around her forehead. A ninja, Sakura was a ninja, and they weren't too sure how to feel about that. They wrapped her in a hug, praying that it was all a phase. "Nice job honey!" "We're so proud!"

I know that voice. Reyna was so fond of it, a fake cheeriness, like pouring sugar into poison. Covering up the bitter taste. 'They sound normal to me.' No, they're faking. Taking a deep breath, I relaxed myself. My parents had left me at the orphanage, I had gotten my hopes up, oh well. "I'm going to go to the library if that's ok." Mebuki nodded. "That's fine, will you be home for dinner?" I swallowed. "Maybe not?" Mebuki looked away. "Just don't be home too late." With a nod of conformation I began my run. You're going to have to tell the way to the library. 'I had a feeling I would.' Yeah.

Chapter 2, shorter than the first I know, but I'm trying! Have a good day, leave a comment if you feel like it!

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