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Seth helped a limping Dean into their locker room.
He gently places him down on the bench and bandages him up.

Dean just watches him, with a slight frown on his face.

"What's going on in that lunatic mind of yours?" Seth raises his eyebrow, Dean was usually easy to read, but Seth couldn't tell what he was thinking right now.

"Nothing." Dean mumbles.
Seth just nods, he didn't want to push Dean to answer.

"Guess you won't be able to have your match tonight." Seth sighs.

"Are you kidding? There's no way I'm going to quit my match because of Brock Lesnar." Dean practically yells, and Seth has to place an arm around him to calm him.

"You have to, look at yourself, you're in pain."

Dean stops to take a look at himself before mumbling underneath his breath, "Funny that you care now."

"What?" Seth's eyes shoot up to look at Dean.

"You heard me." Dean replies coldly. "You've hurt me so much over these past years, emotionally and physically, hell you stomped my head on cinder blocks. And now you claim that you care about my well being."

Seth sighs, he thought that they'd get over this, but Dean was still hurting.

"Dean, do you want me to just go?" He gulps, he doesn't want to leave Dean but maybe it's for the best.

"Go ahead, I don't need your help anyway."

Seth knows Dean doesn't mean what he's saying, he's just upset over what happened with Brock Lesnar.

"I think you do. I'm going to get us a snack and I'll be right back, okay?" Seth says as he gets up.


Seth takes one last look at Dean before leaving.

When Seth is gone, Dean throws the nearest thing to him against the wall, throwing his hands into his hair in frustration.

He hears a knock.

"That was fast, even for Seth" Dean thinks.

But it's not Seth that enters the room, it's Renee.

He tries his best not to roll his eyes, but he was annoyed to see Renee.

"Are you okay, babe?" Renee asks gently.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Dean doesn't make eye contact, clearly not interested into the conversation.

"I just heard arguing and saw Seth walking out the door, so I assumed something happened with him." Renee continues.

Was she listening to their conversation?

"No, everything's fine. Except for the fact that I'm hurt, and can't compete tonight." Dean groans.

For the first time since entering the room, Renee notices that Deans hurt, "Oh my god Dean, what happened! It was Seth, wasn't it?"

"No, he was actually helping me. It was Brock Lesnar that did it."

"Oh." Renee sighs, "Here, maybe I can kiss it better."

Dean cringes at her words, but doesn't say anything.

Renee takes a seat beside Dean and places her lips on his, into a slow kiss.

Dean wants nothing more than to push his girlfriend away, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings, he just wasn't in the mood.

Seth walked in with two brownies in his hands, but stops when he sees Renee and Dean kissing.

His heart felt like it was in his throat, and his vision became blurry as tears began to form.

He didn't understand why he was crying, he knew Dean was with Renee and he was happy for him.

"Seth...." Dean pushes Renee away when he sees Seth, "Seth's here."

Renee turns and shoots Seth a fake smile, "Oh hi Seth. What's up?"

"I..." Seth blinks his tears away.

"Seth, what's wrong?" Dean grows concerned when he sees Seth's tears.

"Um... I have to go." Seth chokes out, before running out the door.

"Seth, wait!" Dean yells after him, but he's already gone.

"What's his problem?" Renee rolls her eyes.

Dean doesn't answer, he just shakes his head and sighs.

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