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Seth paces in his locker room, thinking about what Paul had said.
It wasn't true was it?
Did he still love Dean?
Had he even loved Dean in the first place?

The two were extremely close, and he was sure he would have done anything for him at the time, but he wasn't sure love, was the right word to describe the men's close bond.

As he's thinking, the door opens and Dean appears.
Camera men run in, cameras immediately flash on them and he can't help but roll his eyes.

"What do you want Dean? I'm busy." Seth groans.

"Busy doing what, pacing?" Dean had a point, Seth had nothing to do.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"What Paul said out it true?" Dean asks.

"Of course not, why would you believe that pig?" Seth chuckles, trying to look as confident as possible.

Deans face falls.

"What, you actually believed I still care about you, that I still love you?" Seth mocks.

"I don't know...I thought that maybe..." Dean trails off, and Seth waits to listen. "I thought that maybe you still cared a bit, I know I do. I know we fight and stuff, but I always cared and thought about you all the time."

A flash of surprise appears on Seth's face, and he doesn't know how to respond.

"But I know you don't care I guess I'll go." Dean sighs, walking out the door.

Seth hesitates before grabbing Dean's wrist and looking into his eyes.

"Yes?" Dean asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I..." Seth almost confesses how he feels, "I never loved you, Ambrose. I thought of you as a business partner but nothing more."

Dean looks at him with a hurt look in his eyes, that broke Seth's heart in two.

"Got the message." Dean snatches his wrist from Seth's grip and walks away.

The cameras zoom on Seth, finally making him snap, "Get the hell out of here, shows over!"

Seth wasn't sure why, but he wanted to cry.

I still care Where stories live. Discover now