confession part 2

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Anyone could tell Seth didn't mean what he had said, including Seth himself.
Seth and Dean were inseparable, there was no way they were just business partners.

"You good?" A familiar voice is heard behind Seth.

Seth turns his head to see his former brother, Roman, standing by the doorway.

"Of course." Seth replies.

But he wasn't. Deans hurt look had been stuck in Seth's mind all day, he wasn't sure he'd be able to get it out.

"We haven't been friends in 3 years, but I still know when you're lying." Roman walks over to Seth, and plops down in the empty seat beside him, "So why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

Seth shakes his head, but speaks anyway, "I'm just a horrible human being...I'm sure you know that anyway, though."

"Why would you say that?" Roman raises his eyebrow.

"I turned my back on my best friends...I was too prideful to admit that I still care about Dean." Seth's eyes begin to water, "I saw his face when I told him I didn't care about him, now I've lost him forever."

"Don't say that Seth. Sure, you're kind of a jerk—" Roman starts.

"Wow, thanks for that Roman." Seth interrupts, wiping the tears that were now streaming down his cheek.

" didn't let me finish." Roman chuckles. "You're still our brother and we will care about you, always. And I know you still care about Dean and I."

Seth smiles at Romans kind words, but then frowns again.

"What is it Seth?" Roman notices the frown.

"I don't deserve to be forgiven by you or Dean. I did so much to hurt you guys, especially Dean." Seth suddenly closes his eyes, before he completely breaks down in front of his former best friend.

"Seth, brothers fight. But deep down we always love and care for each other. And as for Dean, you should probably go speak to him." Roman suggests, wrapping an arm around Seth's shoulder.

"You're right...I should." Seth sighs.

Seth wasn't going to lie to Dean this time, he was going to tell him exactly how much he cared, to his face.

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