"Isn't the other side of the street okay too?" Jimin asked and I shrugged, honestly getting a tiny bit pissed off at all this.
"Isn't this telling us like to come in or something?" Hoseok asked as we stood outside a building.
"Should we go in here then?" Yoongi asked.
"Wait, someone's coming out, someone's coming." Jin said, Namjoon and Hoseok repeating what he just said. Jimin started moving forward in a little dance while singing a little, someone protect him please.
"I think we'll be able to deliver our feelings though." He said and the guy that came out just walked past us.

"Should we try going in?" Hoseok asked.
"It's kind of scary though." Taehyung said.
"Tae hyung, you lead." I said and we set off with Taehyung in the lead.

He knocked on the door and a young looking woman opened the door.
"Hello." We smiled and Namjoon went to step forward but I did instead.
"Nice to meet you ma'am. We would like to show you some performances. It's in units so choose one team, your favourite team. And once you pick that team, you get that team's rice cake." I explained.
"Oh, rice cake?" She asked with a nice smile.
"Yeah. In Korea, when we visit our neighbours we give rice cakes like a custody. A traditional type of thing." I further explained.
"Oh ok." She said.
"We're first." Hoseok said, he, Jimin and Jungkook starting their performance.

When Namjoon and Taehyung started I was silently judging them as they sang and "danced".

Next Yoongi, Jin and I came forward and performed our.......whatever the hell it was. Let's call it that.

"They forgot the lyrics." Namjoon snitched and Hoseok whined that it's only because Namjoon speaks a little English. "Well Eunmi's more fluent in English than any of us here." Namjoon countered and I shrugged, tired and fed up of all this. "They also uses our songs but we made our song." He added on and I raised an eyebrow.
"You know bbuing bbuing?" Taehyung asked cutely.

"I wanna say...I can't decide." The lady said. "I think I need to see another round." She continued and Taehyung started acting cutely. Everyone started doing random stuff and I just stood there with a face that just screamed "help".

"I want uh, walk with you." Jin said and I looked at him as if he was crazy, which he most likely was.
"You wanna walk with me?" She asked surprised and I was just standing there shaking my head in disapproval.
"Through Jin hyung, we're going to see world peace." Yoongi stated.
"Let's go?" Jin asked the lady. "With me?" He asked.
"What is going on?" Jungkook asked.
"I don't know Jungkook hyung, I don't know." I patted his shoulder.
"Wait, doesn't Jin hyung not know how to speak English?" Jimin pointed out and him, Taehyung and Namjoon went to interrupt Jin's "date".

"I have to see some type of talent." The lady said once we'd all gathered up again, Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi singing a bit of Just One Day.
"Why do you guys keep coming in when it's my time?" Jin asked.
"You so beautiful." Yoongi complimented her and I wanted to end myself as everyone started laughing.
"Okay, you guys are the last group. You two." She gestured towards Namjoon and Taehyung, those two doing....what they do best....I think.

"So now it's time for me to decide." She said. "It's...." She paused, "this team." She gestured to Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook, the three boys cheering excitedly before we said goodbye to the lady.

"Even though we talk like this in English, it's been proven that in the end we all connect through hip hop." Jimin said, my man Jimin with the brain.
"Alright let's go to our next house." Taehyung announced and we left.

~Time Skip~

We finally arrived back after Namjoon and Taehyung won once, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook won twice and Jin, Yoongi and I won nothing.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now