Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Fuck." I groaned and sniffed, closing my eyes for a second because of the pain radiating from my temples.

"Poor baby." Shay mumbled from the phone that rested beside my head. "Is it just your head?"

"And my chest." I rolled onto my stomach and turned my head into my arm as a rough cough racked my body which only made my headache and chest pain worse. "This is bullshit."

"Hey sis." I grumbled out a hum when Maru walked into the room. "I'm gonna go spend some time with Jaylen, but here's some Motrin and a water." I grabbed the pill from his hand and dropped it into my mouth, then uncapping the Gatorade bottle and and swallowing the medicine.

"Thanks bro." He nodded and rubbed my head before taking notice of the phone besides me and the sound of Shay talking but to someone else. "She's at work. " I whispered and he nodded.

"Alright well I'll see you later tonight, stay up youngin." I hummed in response and laid my head back down on the pillow, listening to the soothing sounds of Shay giving details of something. I didn't know who the fuck Frida was but she seemed like a nice chick with some dope paintings.

"Okay hello?" I sighed out a 'hm' and I could practically hear the pout in her voice. "Damn you're really sick.. I get off in a couple of hours, mind if I stop by?"

"I'd love that." I weakly responded as I rubbed my eyes. "There's a spare key under the mat, just come in."

"Okay I'm coming now- I gotta go Pooh these kids wanna see Frida's shoes." I didn't even wanna question it. "Stay hydrated, okay?"

"Okay, see you sooon." I sung out softly before letting her be the one to hang up, way too tired to do it myself.

I laid there for about ten minutes, not asleep but also half conscious. I don't remember being this sick since I was a kid. Maybe I should've stayed up to date with my shots..

I was taking another swig of my Gatorade when I heard my front door open. Huh? Either Maru forgot something or Shay totally dicked me and was already off work. I hoped it was the latter.

Was it either? Hell no.

I frowned when Jhené walked through my bedroom door, smiling. What.. the fuck. "Hey, I let myself in." I continued to stare at her in confusion until she cleared her throat. "I wanted to talk, if that's okay?"

"Did you put the key back?" I questioned and when she nodded, I turned my head into the pillow. "Good. Go to it, stand on top of the mat, close the door, then walk to your car." That left my mouth kind of harshly but I was sick as fuck as I didn't feel like dealing with this.

"Karu." I felt the edge of my bed dip, making me huff. "I'm sorry but I really wanna talk and if you are completely done with me by the end, I'll leave you alone.. I swear."

I kept quiet, basically telling her to hurry up and plead her case.

"I realized how it sounded, me wanting you back after I found out about you being shot.. I want you to know I didn't mean harm by it." I grabbed the pillow and hugged it slightly when I felt the sudden cough rack my body. "Are you sick?" She whispered and I nodded. "Oh.. do you need medicine?"

"Nah." I said.

"Okay, well, what I'm saying is that if I can't have you in my life as a partner, I still want you as a friend." I hummed absentmindedly as I felt sleep start to creep up on me, slowly but surely. "Because I realized how short life really is and how quick it can be taken and I still love you, I'm hoping you still.."

Before she even finished that sentence, I was out.


When I woke up, I felt slightly better from the medicine but my head was still being a bitch. Then, I looked around and realized that outside was barely lit, meaning I had basically slept the day away. Shit. There also no trace of Jhené so I assumed she just left.

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