Chapter Twenty Six

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Cause I feel like it...

^ ^ Shay Daniels

Two months later

I stood, leaned against my Mclaren as I gawked at the big ass mansion right along the beach in Santa Monica. So.. this is where miss painter lived..

Over the last two months, I've been stressing about two things. One, who shot me; and two getting back to California. The latter was the one thing I was looking forward to the most simply because..

"Hey." I smiled once the front door opened and Shay walked out, clad in ripped boyfriend jeans and a old band tshirt. "Took you long enough."

I rolled my eyes before pulling the passenger door open. "I was trying to look good for you.. my bad."

She gave me a look before siding her arms around my waist, mine going over her shoulder as she squeezed me into a snug hug. "Happy birthday."

I smiled and lightly tugged at her low ponytail. "Thank you big head."

She smacked my back before she slid into the passenger seat, looking me up and down a bit. "Tried to look good for me? Didn't try very hard I see." My jaw dropped as I glanced down at my new sweats and black tshirt. "Cortez? Again?"

"These are new!" I exclaimed as I lifted my shoes up for her to see. "See? These have a blue line around the edge, my other ones were white."

"Shut up." She laughed out and pushed me back by my hips before closing the door.

Okay, let me back up a bit.

Two months ago

Its been about a week since my ass was caught lacking and I got popped like a damn balloon. I was way more aware and suspicious of my inner circle now because who else knew I was in the LA area? My siblings, my crew, Olivia.. and I was damn sure Liv didn't set me up or my brothers, so that left my crew. But it still didn't make sense to me. How.. was it a case of just coincidence? Were they driving and saw my car? My clothes? What was it?

My mind melting was interrupted by a beeping of my phone and I looked down, my frown turning to a smile.

Shay: Okay, I got my California rollsss

Shannyn Daniels, aka Shay. A light in this dark ass time.

Shay and I started to text a lot after that night, much to my surprise. I threatened to put a gun to the girls head and it was like she completely forgot, which I lowkey.. highkey was happy about because she ended up being dope as hell. I found out she was an artist from Santa Monica, rooming with her best friend Cassandra, and a twenty five year old art museum tour guide. Sounds boring but like I said, she was dope.

I never really dealt with a girl like her before because she was so different. She had an aspect of spirituality but also a sprinkle of one goofy ass female. It was different, a good different.

So, I let myself get to know her and trust her because she showed she was trust worthy. Which, led us here.


I still had another couple months of tour before we had our break to the overseas leg but we both wanted to get have our 'date' if you will so I came up with a tight ass idea. FaceTime. Tell me I'm not a genius, I dare you.

Me: Hurry up n call me then

And she did.

I propped my phone up on the mini table on the tour bus, sliding a water bottle behind it before I pressed answer.

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