Meeting the Alpha Wolf

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"Alpha wolf?" She nodded, moving back to the table to pick up one of the knives. "You know, you Winchester's are starting to be trouble. I can't believe your stupid brother came here without saying anything." She hissed, the smile that was once on her face gone. She dropped the knife on the table and it landed standing up, the point stuck between the wood of the table. I pressed my lips together, keeping my mouth shut.

A loud growl within the room drew the attention of both of us and we turned around to see that the wolf still had Brad pinned to the floor. The other woman who was part of this was up against the wall, her body tensed as she watched the scene in front of her.

Stella snapped her head towards her and growled lowly at her. "Take the two of them away, Leila. I'll deal with them later." The wolf snared and slowly climbed off Tom's body. Tom stood up quickly and dusted himself off as he glared at both me and his alpha. The wolf nudge its head into him, making him move forward before barking at the woman against the wall.

"I'll have the cooks prepare a nice dinner. I'm sure you and your brother are hungry and would like a good nights rest." She said to me as she watched the three leave the room

When they were gone and the only sound was the door closing, silence fell over me and the alpha. "Please, have a seat." Came the whisper. I looked around and found a chair that was up against the wall. I quickly grabbed it from behind and sat. My hands found their way to my lap and I stared down at them.

"Thank you." I heard myself say before I could stop myself. "Thank you for saving me....and for getting help for my brother."

"No need to thank me, Sam." I lifted my head and saw a grin tugging on her lips. "I'm sorry about what happened. If I had known that you and Dean were stopping for a visit, I would have said something to stop the attack." She sighed softly, running a hand through her hair. "I'll have someone bag your weapons back in the duffel. Now how about we go and see your brother?"

I nodded, pushing myself off the chair and followed her out the door and down the hall. The hallway was simple in a way. A few pictures here and there. It looked new, as if these people haven't been living here long. "Sam?" I heard my name being called and I turned, finding Stella staring at me. Apparently I had stopped in the middle of the hallway and was staring at the things around. "Come." She ordered, making the 'come here' motion with her fingers.

Slowly making my way to her, I've stepped in front of her and turned around, finding an open room with someone laying down on the bed. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go and see him." She pushed me forward, causing me to almost trip over my own feet. If she was just an average human, she would have failed with pushing me in, but as Dean had said before, being a wolf does have its perks.

Walking into the room, I prepared myself for anything. I've took deep breaths and counted to five before I managed to let myself willing to go fully inside. My eyes quickly landed on the body laying in the bed, and what I saw was something I will be forever grateful for. There was Dean, in all his godliness, laying down on the bed, humming to himself 'Dead or Alive,' his fingers tapping against the mattress as he tried to stayed within the beat of the song. He didn't have any cuts on his face or stitches. He looked the same way he always did....Like Dean.

"It's about damn time," He spoke, fingers still tapping on the mattress. "Do you have any idea how bored I am in here? Jeez, next time can you at least put me in a room with a television or maybe a laptop instead of some plain white room that only has a bed in it? What are you trying to kill me?"

"That's the plan." Stella said with an roll of her eyes, standing beside me as she did a quick check on my brother. She looked like she wanted to slap him. The least Dean can do is show some gratefulness. If it wasn't for her, well, I will be dead right now and I'm sure as hell Dean would be too.

"At least you weren't the one who got a gun pointed at. Really Dean, you should be thankful to your friend here. She did saved us." I huffed, meeting Dean's eyes with a glare. He sent me a scowl in return and turned his head away from me. I rolled my eyes at his childish manner and turned to the alpha. "Please pay no mind to my brother. As you can see, he's being an ass today."

She waved her hand at me and shook her head. "It's fine, Sam. I'm used to his asshole ways by now. Aren't I, Winchester?"

"Whatever." He rolled over to faced the wall, turning his back to us. Lord, help me before I smite his ass right here and now. I knew that Dean wasn't a people person, but the way he was acting was un-fucking-real.

Stella shook her head once again at his antics, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and turned on her heels. "Dinner will be ready in a bit. Hope you two are hungry." And with that, she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and left me alone with my brother. The sound of her footsteps echo down the hall before they disappeared. Once I was sure she was gone, that's when I grabbed one of the pillows off the bed and smacked Dean with it in the face.

"Ow! What the hell, Sam?" He growled.

"You deserved it." I scowl, hitting him again with the pillow. "You had no right to act that way towards her. She fucking saved our lives, Dean! So what the hell is up with your attitude? You were all happy on just coming here and now look at you. You're acting like an ass, dude. What the hell, man?"

"It's nothing." He mumbled, sitting up on the bed.

"Like hell it is." I snorted, setting the pillow back on the bed before moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Tell me what's wrong, dude?"

"I said it's nothing, Sam."


"It's nothing, okay? Now just leave me the hell alone for a while!" He yelled before getting up and threw the door open, walking out the room. I stared at the door with a brow raised, my hand coming up to rub my temple.

Great. Here comes another headache.

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