Lost Brother Found?

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A chilling howl cut through the darkness of the forest as I walked through it, looking for the wolf. It turns out, that the first murders in town had occurred a couple days ago, before I arrived, meaning that I had less then a week to track down the wolf and kill it. The good news was that the murders happened in a certain area in the forest and that area was at the edge of town. So this might be easy.

Hearing what sounded like a twig snapping, I froze. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I slowly turned around with my gun aimed to a bushed. I saw a flash of amber and heard a rustle, but that was it. Carefully, I turned back around and continued walking down the path I started at, heading deeper into the forest. As I walked I heard a couple of small animals making nosies. The owls 'hoooo,' while the crickets filled the night with their chripping.

I froze again as another twig snapped, this one closer. I spun around again and was about to aimed my gun, when I saw something out the corner of my eye. There, standing at the edge of the clearing was a large grey wolf with its ears pulled back. The wolf snarl, showing its sharp teeth. I backed away slowly and took in the view. This werewolf was different. It wasn't human like, or stood up on its hind legs, it was really a wolf. As in walking on all fours, furry, with pointy ears, and a tail, just like any normal wolf. Only it wasn't. The wolf was big, but not as in fat. It was as in tall. It was taller then me by just a few inches.

Quickly, I recovered from my shock and aimed my gun at the beast. As I was ready to push the trigger and kill the animal, the wolf took me by surprise and growled. Before I could fully pull the trigger, the wolf ran fast across the clearing and jumped on me, knocking me onto the ground, making my gun fly out of my hand. The wolfs two large front paws were at my chest, making it hard to breath by the weight. I managed to kick it off me, and started running deeper into the forest, hoping the thing would go away. "Shit!" I cursed as I realized that I left the gun behind. I could hear twigs snapping and leaves breaking as the wolf pushed it heavy paws into the earth and ran after me, but I didn't dare look back. A howl told me that if I didn't lose it soon, I was done for.

As I kept kept running deeper into the forest, I saw an fallen lag on the ground and tried to jump over it, only to trip. I landed on the ground, groaning a bit as felt the sting from the fall. Hearing a snarl that came from the forest, I turned my head around towards the sound. Knowing the beast was close and was probably watching me, I stood up and walked backwards into a tree, my eyes looking for the animal. I heard a rustle in the bushes, and before I could react the large wolf came out, growling. It walked towards me, never taking its eyes off me. I cursed myself for not bring another gun or a silver knife at lease. This had never been a problem when I was hunting with Dean. He always had my back and I always had his.

The wolf walked closer and I could feel my heart beating fast. It bared its sharp teeth in a sort of sick smile. Its tail twitched behind it, anticipating the kill. Its tounge came out to lick its lips. The claws came out and with a growl, it jumped on top of me once more, bring me to the floor. Breathing became a problem once again by the wolfs weight, its claws sinking into my chest and I can feel the blood going down my chest. I cried in pain as the wolf dragged its claws down my chest, and used the tip of its fangs to drag out blood from my neck. It growled and lower its head into my neck, ready to strike. I closed my eyes, and said a prayer as I waited for the worst pain to come.

It never did.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that the wolfs head had turned around and its ears perked up. The paws that were on my chest were now on the ground near my sides. Trying to see what was the reason I wasn't dead yet, I turned my head to where the wolf was looking, and gasped.

Another wolf was standing less near the edge if the clearing, growling at us. It was same size as the first one, but looked more dangerous. Bright golden eyes shone in the moonlight as it took in the scene before it. It looked at me from the corner of its eyes for a moment before it opened its mouth to reveal wicked fangs.

After the sand color wolf was done looking me over, it raised its gaze to the wolf on top of me. There was a moment when nothing happened before the sand color wolf pounced on the one on top of me, knocking it off me. Sitting up quickly, I backed up into the same tree I was thrown into. I watched in fascination as they fought over me, slashing, biting, and clawing. Fur flew, and flesh was rip out. The grey wolf smacked a clawed paw at the other, leaving cuts across its face, which caused it to howl in pain. The sandy one sunk its teeth into the back of the grey one's neck, also causing a howl of pain.

They struggled for what seemed to be an enternity before the grey one, the one that chased me through the forest, finally ran off, yelping like a hurt puppy.

I sighed in relief. The wolf that attacked me was gone. I was safe for now.

I looked up to find that the sand color wolf was staring at me with intelligent eyes. I stared back, swallowing hard, as I cursed myself again for not bring another gun or knife.

The wolf took a step forward towards me, bringing its head down a little, its tail wagging spastically. I pushed myself off against the tree and stood. My heart beating fast in fear of what it would do to me. To my surprise, the wolf whimpered and moved forward. Soon it was front of me and started to rubbed its head against my hand. I pulled my hand back. The wolf backed away with a snort, dropped its head, and its tail stayed still as something like sadness flooded its features. Then the wolf brought its head up and bared its teeth in what might have been a grin, winked, and ran back into the forest.

I stared after it, too shocked to say anything. I wondered why it haven't it eaten me. It had grinned, and winked.

That wasn't what disturbed me the most though. As the wolf had turned, something caught my eye. Something was around the wolfs neck, I narrowed my eyes as the moonlight got brighter and saw that the necklace had horns, a face, and a black leather cord.


"Dean?" I whispered, as I took off the direction The wolf went, having a feeling that someone was watching me.

He's alive....

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