I'm one hell of a little brother...

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The first thing I did when got back to town was pick up a phone book and looked up a list of motels in the area.

Turns out that mine wasn't on the top five.

Opening the door of my motel room, I grabbed my bag and started packing. If what I saw tonight was true and if Dean was still in the area, then I couldn't waste time in finding him.

Once everything was packed, I went to the bathroom and cleaned the wounds across my chest. The cuts had stopped bleeding a while ago, but to safe I cleaned them anyway. When I was done, I turned off all the lights and picked up my bag, before closing the door behind me and walk towards the car I've stolen. Opening the door of the drivers side, I threw my bag into the backseat and got into the car, closing the door before starting the engine.

The first motel on the list was in the middle of town and that's where I was heading to. The motel I've stayed at was just in the beginning of town. After driving around town, I finally saw the motel I was looking for and pulled the car into the parking lot. My heart pounded as I cut the engine off and got out the car. I prayed that I was right about Dean really being here. Looking around the parking lot, I gasped at what I saw.

There was the Impala, parked in front of room 16. My stomach instantly tried itself into knots. So he really was here. God, what am I going to do? I can't just go in there and say, "Hey, Dean. Long time no see. Dad sent me here to kill the werewolf he sent you get because he thought you did something reckless. I told him that you were taking your time tracking it. Oh and hey, did you happen to be that wolf that saved me in the woods?"

I opened the car door and stepped out onto the pavement. After taking a few calming breaths, I made my way across the parking lot and to the front door of the room. Just as I was about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened to reveal a tired looking Dean, who had his duffel bag slung over his left shoulder. Upon looking at him, the first thing I've noticed were the dried blooded slashes on his face.

Dean stood there in all his glory and stared at me as if trying to see if I was really standing outside his motel door or not. He slowly came to senses, accepting that this was real and That this really wasn't a dream. "Sammy? What are you doing here?"

"Don't you know?"

He arched an eyebrow at me and shrugged his shoulders. "Study abroad, I'm guessing?"

I couldn't help, but roll my eyes. "Nope. I'm actually here for something. Can we talk inside?"

Dean tilted his head some before sighing. He nodded his head and walked past me, going over to the Impala to throw his duffle into the trunk. Once he had thrown his duffle into the car, Dean turned around and ushered me into the room.

The motel room was like any other room I've stayed at. It was small with crappy wallpaper, a small television on top of a small dresser, pretty sure the bathroom was small too and to top it off, two hard-but-yet comfortable beds. Wait, two beds? "Two beds, huh?" I turned my head to look at Dean as I walked to sit on the bed farthest from the motel door.

"Yeah. Ya know what they say, "Old habit's die hard." " Dean said as he closed the door and then turned around to look at me. "So, what brings you all the way here, Sammy Boy?" His lips twitched up into a grin and upon seeing that, it felt like the old times.

I smiled at the old nickname. "Dad." I replied with a simple roll of my eyes, which earned a small chuckle from my brother. "He called me during class and said that a werewolf was on the loose. He said you were supposed to take care of it."

"Damn thing hard to keep up with." Dean huffed, crossing his arms as he moved to sit on his own bed, shifting so that he was facing me. "I'm working on it though."

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