Truth Behind the Statement..

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We sat in silence in the dark. During the middle of some talking, Dean and I had somehow manage to sit side by side of each other on my bed. It was 1:30 am and the only thing anybody can see outside is darkness. I was thinking over at what Dean had told me, since we both stopped talking since the last hour.

I've never thought that I'll have a werewolf as a brother. I turned my head to look at Dean and saw that he was in deep thought. I had questions to ask, but I don't know if he would answer them. Dean was never good at opening up to people, including me.


Dean snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at me. "Hmm?"

"Why didn't you tell dad?"

Dean eyes went big and I saw a hint of horror in them. He shook his head and stood up from where he was sitting. He stood tall in front of me and I thought I heard a faint sound of a wolf-ish growl. He closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them. "Didn't want to bug him, I guess. Beside's" He smiled sadly, "do you know what he does to things like me?"

I blinked. Things like him? Surely, Dean didn't think dad would kill just of what he became. "Dean, you're his son. He wouldn'-"

"You don't know that, Sam. Dad hunts down everything that isn't natural. He raised us to do the same." Dean made his way across the room and gazed into the mirror that hanged on the wall. He looked at his reflection for a moment before slamming his fist into the glass. I flinched as the sound of broken glass filled the room. Dean's fist stayed where it was in the middle of the mirror for a while. I heard him take deep breathes, trying to calm himself down. I took my eyes off him and looked down towards the floor, giving Dean the time he needed to calm down.

"What makes you think he won't come after me, Sammy? I know that if I tell him the truth, he'll disown me as his son and hunt me down."

"There might be a cure, though," I whispered. I stood up and slowly made my way to stand beside him. Once I was beside him, I place my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "remember? Dad thinks that-"

"That if you kill the wolf that bit you, you could go back to normal. That's just a theory, little brother. Besides isn't there a catch to it?" He shrugged my hand off his shoulder.

I brought my hand back to my side and thought over Dean's question. I couldn't remember well enough the whole conversation of the theory, but I did remember some of it. "Well, Dad said that he doesn't think it will work if the bloodline's been pass on or if the wolf has already killed someone."

He nodded slowly and removed his fist from the mirror, his hand now cover in blood from the glass. "Just don't get your hopes up, ok? It's a long-shot."

I smiled a little. It was good to know that he was at least trying. "Right, but it could still work."

"Yeah." Dean mumbled. Once again silence has closed in on us. Dean walked to the bathroom, to remove to the pieces of broken glass from his hand. I looked at the mirror he broke, and stare at myself. 'This is my fault...'

When Dean came out of the bathroom, I saw that he didn't clean the cuts on his palm. Deciding not to ask why he didn't, I ask a question that I had on my mind since I saw him as a wolf. "Hey Dean?"

He walked over to his bed and sat down. "What is it, Sam?"

"Why is it that you have a different form when you change then all the werewolves that we killed?"

"I don't know." He looked at me as if I knew the answer to my own question, when I really didn't. I mean, I never thought that wolves like Dean were even real! Then again, most people never thought that anything supernatural were real too. 'It's like the wolves I've read about from the Twilight Saga's'

Upon hearing my brothers laugh, I snapped out of my thoughts and gave him a confused look. "What?" I asked.

"D-Dude!" He managed to say as he continued laughing. "I can't believe you read those damn books!" He laughed harder. It took me a moment to realize what was he talking about.


'Nice going Sam...' This time I made sure not voice my thought. I narrowed my eyes at Dean, who was still laughing, and reached for a pillow, throwing it at him. "Shut up you jerk!"

He caught the pillow before it even hit him. "Bitch." He threw the pillow back at me, hitting me in the face. Dean smirked when he saw his target has been hit and gave a big 'whoop.' He chuckled softly before his expression changed to serious.

"So, uh, Sam, listen, I got this. If you want to go back to school-"

"Dude, are you crazy? My brother gets turned into a werewolf and you want me to leave? I think not! I'm going to help you kill this thing even if I have to kill it with my bare hands."

The serious look Dean had on his face left and he gave me a small smile. "Right. 'Cause you can somehow kill a wolf that's taller then you with your bare hands. I would love to see that." He looked around the room and smirked before he spoke again. "Good thing I always get an extra bed, huh?'

I nodded and forced a smile as I realize the truth behind that statement. Dean didn't always get the extra bed out of habit, but out of hope that someday me or dad might return and stay with him. Someplace to always sleep if I changed my mind about Stanford and wanted to

come back. This, right here, was probably the most painful revelation I had ever made.

Change of the Moon {A Supernatural Story}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum