Speaking Without Words

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Alone in a dark room was where she was at. Her blue eyes showing a hint of red in them as a soft sighed escaped her lips. Staring into the darkness of the room she was thinking, her mind in another world as for once, she let all her senses go down. Her palm was brought up and she ran her fingers through her soft locks, her eyes closing for a moment.

"You know, it's kind of freaky to be standing in a dark room, staring off into space." A voice said behind her, causing the woman to jump slightly. She quickly reopened her eyes and turned around, her eyes finding the figure of a man leaning against the door frame. She sent him a glare, before her lips form a small smile.

"You really souldn't be scaring people like that. Especially me. Do you even realize what I'm capable of?" She asked.

The man leaning against the door frame chuckled and pushed himself from the place where he had been leaning on and walked over to the her, his handsome features showing as he got closer to her. If there was one perk of being a wolf, it would have to be better sight in the dark. Humans eyes had to adjust to the dark. Wolf eyes didn't need adjust. The wolf acted on instinct, meaning that the body acted on its own without a single thought.

"Oh I do, but I also know that you won't hurt me." A smirk showed on his face, a tint of gold showing in his green eyes.

She raised a brow, crossing her arms. "What makes you say that?"


He took a step a forward and wrapped an arm around the small of her back, while the other went to her waist. He pressed his lips to hers and brushed them softly against her own before leaning in. The kiss sent small shivers down her back and her arms uncrossed to wrap themselves around his neck, pressing her body against his own as she kissed him back passionately. Their mouths worked against each others as they re-memorize the way their lips feel against one another.

The kiss said what they couldn't say.

I love you.

I miss you.

Don't ever leave me,

The words they couldn't say, but know that with just one look into each others eyes, the words spoke for themselves. Even if they didn't know how the other felt.

They pull away from each other and their eyes meet as they hold each other in their arms. Both of their eyes were back to their normal color and they smiled.

"You know there's still some time left before dinner starts. How about we have some dessert before our time here is done?" She bit on her bottom lip as she looked up at him. Once again, that stupid smirk was back on his face and he nodded at her, taking his arms off her to run to the door, closing it before turning the lock. When he turned, he found her already on the bed, laying out before his eyes. A small groan escaped his throat, and he jumped onto the bed, attacking her lips again.

Lost in the lust they had for each other, they acted out how they felt for one another. Being with each other was the only thing holding their sanity, but both knew that after the moment was over, they would go back into their normal roles given to them.

But right now, at this very moment, they couldn't care about their roles even if the world was falling apart around them.

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