Let the Truth Come Out...

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I couldn't sleep the whole night. After Dean came back to the motel with food, I ate and went to sleep. Or at lease tried to.

Then I will.

His words kept replaying inside my mind. It made me scared to think what he meant by that or how he was going to find us when he doesn't even have a clue where we are. I mean, we were still on the job for the wolf, but nothing happened since the night I found Dean. Or should I say since Dean found me?

Rolling over onto my side, I looked at the clock and saw it was five in the morning. Damn. I don't know what to do. Dad wants his son dead and for me to help him kill Dean. What a fuck up life I have. I still don't get how John couldn't believe me when I said Dean had control of himself and wasn't a danger to other's.

I guess trust doesn't always run in the family.

I've decided that 'dad' was no longer going to be called 'dad.' He lost that title when he commanded me to kill Dean.

Since I'd figured sleep wasn't going to come to me, I got out bed, and sat down on one of the chairs in front of the small table in the room. Turning on the laptop, I went to the Internet and started looking for more jobs to do after Dean and me are done with the salt and burn one.

By the time it was 11, Dean had started to wake up. I saw the movement from the corner of my eye and turn my head to see Dean already sitting up on the bed and looking around as if to find something. When his eyes came upon me, he gave me a confuse look and asked why the hell does it look like I haven't gotten any sleep?

"Maybe cause I haven't" I answered back as I wrote about a hunt down on a notepad, along with the other ten hunts that had already been added to the list. Yep, this is pretty much all I've been doing since I woke up, plus getting coffee and bagels.

"Why not?" He said

"Don't know." 'Drop it already, Dean!'

Dean took a glance at me, before getting up from the bed and took a seat across from me at the table. He looked at me and let out a wolf-ish growl, which made me jumped a little.

So not use to that.

"Come on, Sam, something's wrong. I can tell. Remember I took care of you ever since you were a baby, so I know you. Just let it out, man."

I bit the inside of my cheek and continued to write notes about future hunts. I made it seem as if I wasn't paying attention to anything Dean said. Dean had sensed that I was avoiding the subject and let out another growl as his temper started to get railed up

"God help me, Sammy, but if you don't say something, I'm going to go wolf on you and throw you around like a chew toy. So unless you want to bleed to your death, I suggest you start talking."

I let out a breath and prepared myself for what was comming. I opened my mouth and said what I was about to regret.

"Its about Da- John. He called me last night and asked me how you were."

"What did you say?" Dean had a look in his eyes that I couldn't explain, but I took it as a bad one.

Silence filled the room and I dared not to speak. I could not tell Dean what happen during that call, for the life of me. The room was so tensed, that it almost made me run out of the room. Keyword here: almost. Why? Well let's just say that if I ran, I would have a angry wolf on my trail.

Saying a silent prayer in my head, to not have Dean kill me, I finally said what he half expected to hear.

"I told him the truth....And now he wants you dead."

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