Saved by the Alpha Wolf....

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The first thing I felt when I woke up was a horrible pain in my body. My body felt numb and I could feel a headache coming in any moment now. The ground below me felt soft and comfortable and it was when I rolled onto my side that I realize that I was laying on a soft bed. The room was dark, except for the lit candle on the bedside table.

With a hand on my forehead, I closed my eye's and tried to remember how I got here. I didn't know where I was or why I was here. Everything seemed to be a blurred. Then one by one the memories started to come back.

The call I got during class.

The wolf hunt.

Finding out Dean was werewolf.

John opening fire on us from our motel room.

The wolf attack in the forest.

I jolted up on the bed and sat up. My heart was beating fast and I looked around the darken room. Unable to see a thing, I grabbed the candle by the bed and turned it from side to side. The room was empty and from what I could tell, the door was lock.

There was no escape route and to make it worse I had no idea where my brother is. I knew I had to make sure he was alright. The wolves from before left him in bad shape. For all I know, he could be dead right now.

Determine to get to my brother, I was just about to get out of bed and find a way to unlock the door, when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway outside the room. I froze immediately upon the noise and stared at the door.

"What we should do with them? Do we let them go? They don't seem to be trouble."

"We're going to do what I say. I'm the one in charge. I'm the one making the rules for now. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

The voices from outside stopped as they reached my door. The sound of it being unlocked made my skin crawled. The door opened and the light from the hallway made its way into the dark room. I can make out two figure's at the door - a man and a woman. They walked into the room, stepping side by side together. I pushed myself back against the wall on the bed as the guy stepped by the side of the girl, his hands in his pant pockets as his eyes flashed to bright yellow. "Tie him up." He ordered the girl, who glanced at him, but did what she was told. She walked slowly towards me and I saw the evilness in her eyes as she let out a grin.

I groaned in pain as she pulled both of my arms back with one hand and used the other to get out the rope from her jacket pocket and tied my arms behind my back . She pushed me off the bed and dragged me out the room with the guy following behind us down the hall. We stopped at a large door at the end of the hall where the leader stepped forward and banged on the door.

"Yo, Tom! Open the damn door!"

The door opened slowly to only a crack and behind it a person stood in the crack of the door. He gave us a snare when he saw us until his eyes met mine and his expression soften a bit only to change back to anger when the leader spoke.

"Let us in. We have business to attend to."

Tom eyes flashed to sliver and he turned his gaze from me to look at the other male. "If it's not official business, I want no part of it. I've told you two before I want no part of your games. Now shoo, Brad. I will not take responsibly over this persons death."

I raised a brow Tom and turned to look at Brad. His jaw was tight and he growled before grabbing Tom by the collar of his shirt and push him out the way. He sent him fly across the room, making him crash into a bookshelf.

Tom immediately stood up and brush himself off. His eyes remained sliver and he opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs. He snapped his jaw at Brad and gave me a look of pity before leaving the room.

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