Finishing Up

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**Colten Anderson above**
➡️ Sophie's POV ⬇️

After finishing my breakfast, I run back upstairs to my bathroom to finish getting ready. Before I start brushing my teeth I turn on my i-Pod and "Falling in the Black" by Skillet comes blasting through my speakers.
As the song plays I brush my teeth knowing when the song ended my teeth would be perfectly clean. I move on to straightening my long dark brown hair. My hair comes to my mid-back and has bright red streaks through it, making it stand out.
The next song is absolutely perfect for today. "The Last Night" by Skillet comes on as a stand in front of my dresser. I do my make up super fast, two coats of mascara and my dark purple eyeliner. My dresser is where my rings, bracelets, necklaces, belly rings, and earrings are.

I leave in my green crescent moon and palmetto tree belly button ring. I quickly put on my class ring, thumb mood ring, and ring my mother gave me. I also slide on my black leather bracelets with gold spikes and my silver handcuff earrings. My clock shows that I'll be late if I take any longer.

Colten and Adrian are waiting by the door as I jump from the fourth step. I sling my bag over my shoulder and yell a "bye" to my parents. I walk towards my truck, excited to get a jump on my day.

I LOVE MY TRUCK! It's a midnight blue GMC Sierra with a 5 inch lift. The boys are walking extremely slow towards where I wait in my truck. I'm impatient today, knowing the longer they take the longer I have to wait to find my mate. They're still twenty feet away when I lose my patience and fly out of the driveway.

My Perfect AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon