Making friends or how old are you?

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You woke up with a startle not remember where you were but then a few seconds later all the pieces fell in place again.
"Middle earth, Bilbo Baggins house..."

You heard voices and noices coming from Bilbos kitchen and diningroom. You could smell coffee, scones, fried eggs and bacon...and you wondered if poor Bilbo even had anything left to eat in his pantry.

You got up from the couch and slunk past the kitchen and through the hall to the bathroom.
You guessed this would be like the last time in forever you would have the comfort being in a real bathroom with a toilet.
You hurried to wash yourself, scared that the company might leave without you.
When you were just about to leave the bathroom you looked at the small towel you dried your hands on.
A thought hit you. Your tampons in your bag would perhaps last two periods if you were lucky and then what?! You would be like out in the wilderness with 13 dwarves, 1 hobbit and a wizard and it would be like the worst embarrassment to ask them for something to use as a sanitary protection.
"If they even know what that is?!"
You took the 10 small cotten towels that laid at the basin and put them in your bag.
"If I put moss and fold it, it should work as a sanitary protection."
Satisfied that you solved one of your forthcoming problems you open the door and went to the diningroom to see if there was any breakfast to eat.

"Good morning little rabbit! You heard Bofur. "Slept well?"
All dwarves seemed to freeze for a second and they all supressed...
"Good morning, yes. So well I forgot where I was". You smiled and sat down between Fili and Kili because they made room for you.
Everybody said goodmorning and continued eating and talking.
You looked at the dwarves around the table and came to Thorin who was already looking at you with his iceblue eyes.
"So y/n just so you know that out in the wilderness we don't sleep through the morning."
You nodded, for the best just to agree with him and be accommodating.
" We have talked and it is settled that you shall accompany but...Thorin pointed his finger at shall have chores, as you said at supper you can do the dishes, look after the ponys...
You nodded again.
"You wont regret your decision" you said a little to eager
"Hrmph...I wonder..." Thorin grunted and continued his breakfast.

"Here y/n"
"Kili..." he smiled. And you took the scone he handed you. Warm with butter melting and strawberry jam dripping.
Your table neighbors did not have the best manners at eating so you just took the scone and ate it with butter and jam dripping. Licking your fingers.
"Is there any milk?"
"No, but cream, why?" Fili asked
"For my coffee".
"You wont have that luxury out in the wilderness" Fili smirked at you.
" Now you sound like your uncle Thorin."
"How did you know Thorin is our uncle?"
"Uhm...someone said that, yesterday...don't remember who. Lot's of names and faces."
Fili looked pensive and he pour some cream in your coffee.
"Where in Bree were you living with the uncle you did not like?"
"Near the Prancing pony, the inn you know."
Shit, you thought, ask me no more about Bree. The prancing pony is all I know about Bree. So in a small panic you changed subject.
"Are you an Kili twins?"
Fili laughed.
"Did you hear that Kili, she thinks we are twins."
"We're not but almost".
"Yeah, talk for yourself babybrother. I'm five years older than Kili.
"Twins are like really rare amongst dwarves".
"How old are you then?" You were done with your scone and licked your fingers and took a big sip of coffee.
"I'm 82 and Kili is 77."
"How old are you then?"
"Well, I'm human so...20."
Kili was not prepared for that answer so he snorted out breadcrumbs and egg and bacon over the table, laughing.
"Who's the baby now!"
"Bofur is right you are a little rabbit". Fili ruffled your hair.
"Not you too" you sighed and told the brothers about why Bofur called you "little rabbit".

Breakfast was over it was 9 o'clock and Thorin left a note for Bilbo on the stove shelf.
You hade done the dishes, your first chore given to you by Thorin.
"I will stay behind and wait for our hobbit." Gandalf said.
"We meet you at the Green Dragon at 11 o'clock" Thorin replied and Gandalf nodded.

You didn't say anything just followed Fili and Kili. You felt relaxed in their company, they were funny and kind. It was also nice not to hear Bofurs "little rabbit" and instead hear your name and feeling like an equal for the first time since you came to middle earth.
You were not shure if Bofur had been keeping an eye on you just because he was the one who found you, or because Thorin told him to.
If someone wanted to spy on you Fili and Kili did that just fine with all their questions. But it felt overprotective with Bofur and just friendly with the two brothers.

"We're of to buy supplies and equipment at the market and then meet Gandalf and Bilbo at the Green Dragon". Kili said to you.
"Are you coming or not little rabbit?" Bofur asked you smiling
"Y/n can ride with me" Fili said and picked you up like you weighed nothing and put you up on the pony. Bofur laughed and went to his pony. And you all left Bilbos house.

You could see the difference between the brothers now.
Kili was taller (well you we're tallest) his hair was more dark blonde and his beard was short and stubble. He had a mischievous and flirty appearance.
Fili his hair was lion blonde, he was shorter and muscular. A fine beard with braids in. He made you feel safe in his  presence. He had blue eyes like Thorin but Filis eyes were like a beautiful summer sky.

As you rode on the path to the market you could feel Filis arms at your sides as he was holding the reins.
And you could feel his beard tickling the back of your neck.

It felt like it was going to be not so bad after all... going on a adventure.

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