Chapter 32: This is My Home

Start from the beginning

"She lives!" he chimes. "You have no idea how good it is to see you!"

I chuckle, returning a quick hug as my body screams at the sudden friction and Percival's firm grip. "Missed you too, Percival. But I can't breathe."

"Oh, sorry", Percival apologises, returning me to my feet gently.

I chuckle at his outburst of excitement, playfully punching the knight on his shoulder. "You give really good hugs."

Percival fakes flinching away in pain at my punch. "Enjoy them while you can. They're reserved for special occasions."

We both burst out into laughter, Gwen appearing by my side once more, shaking her head in amusement.

"Don't hurt him too much, Edythe. He's fragile," another voice chimes, Leon appearing behind Percival with a grin.

Percival rolls his eyes. "Ha-ha, hilarious."

I walk past Percival with a giggle, Leon already outstretching his arms as we reach into an embrace. I'm instantly relieved knowing he is alive, despite already knowing. I had convinced myself many times that he had been killed that seeing Leon makes me have that peace.

"Don't ever do that again", Leon demands, his grip becoming tighter around my shoulders with his words.

"Do what?"

"Faint like that. I thought you died," Leon confesses, genuine fear in his voice.

I return a squeeze of reassurance. "I promise, never again."

Our hug lingers for a moment longer, our grips seeming too strong to release.

"Oi! Where's my hug? I haven't got a hug!" the familiar shriek of Gwaine's voice exaggerates, appearing behind Leon, Elyan by his side.

Leon and I let out a chuckle as we pull from our embrace. "Jealous, Gwaine?" I call.

"Me? Jealous? Please," Gwaine remarks, the both of us glaring with smirks as we pull each other into an embrace. After all, he has been through, I give him an extra tight squeeze to verify that he is indeed alive and okay. We sway for a moment. Unsaid words are exchanged through our eyes as we both nod in understanding.

I finally hug Elyan, doing the same as I did with Gwaine, having become close with the two in ways I wish we had not had to.

The group is engulfed in chatter, the men all lifting my spirits as they bicker and joke amongst themselves as they always do. I become distant as a small chuckle leaves my lips, a soft smile still present as I watch over the group. My mind wanders back to my first encounter with the four knights of Camelot many months ago.

The same smirks, the same remarks, the same chuckles. This is how I have always known them. Since our meeting, they have been the same, never changing no matter the fire they walkthrough. In another life, I saw these men with hatred, saw them as beneath me. My journey has taken me far from that little girl, far from the hatred of others, far from the condescending prat.

Now I am a woman. I am a healer, an advisor, a friend, and a sister.

Gwen leads me from the childish group, our destination set for Arthur. I don't feel the pain any longer. I don't feel tired or hungry. I'm content with seeing my friends and knowing I will return to the life I have built, nothing to change as I had worried.

Gwen and I come to a stop, Arthur standing only a few meters away, looking out over the lower town, dressed in his casual attire. I almost don't notice Gwen has left as all my worries are swept away, my mind at rest.

With Gwen's departure, Arthur turns to peer over his shoulder, face still riddled with thought. His eyes find my own, his blue orbs glowing, a smile soon planting on his lips. My legs pull me before I can return the smile, Arthur also drawing nearer. We meet halfway. No words are exchanged as we embrace each other in a tight hug.

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