Chapter 26: Starlight Whispers

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Gaius spends much of his time studying into the death of the Map maker's apprentice. He insisted I get ready for the feast with Arthur and Mithian. It's far more 'important' than an investigation. As usual, I had no choice in the matter. Both Gaius and Arthur forced Merlin to see that I was ready for the feast. I'm still tough to be made 'proper' when nessicary.

My dress isn't the worst thing I've ever been forced to wear, the dark blue quite lovely if I do say so myself. The sleeve becomes short at my elbow, gold beading and stitches lying along with the deep V over my chest. Unfortunately, not leaving much to imagine for men. The dress isn't as long as most I've seen on Noble's wife's and not as thick. I presume this was per Arthur's request. I will most definitely have to thank him later.

It's strange to have my hair out. Naturally, I don't usually let my long hair fall from a braid or bun of some sort. It's always held back, which surprises me to see it long and wavy. I stare in the mirror for a long while, mesmerised that the same woman standing in the mirror is me. I can't believe that I'm the same woman I was a few months ago.

Finally pulling myself from my room, I begin to escort myself toward the feast. I've been too busy to ask someone to come with me. It wouldn't have taken much to get Gwaine to agree, although Gwaine is practically the life of the party. That very fact makes me decide to hunt for said Knight once I arrive. I need some form of entertainment to distract me from the flirting between Arthur and Mithian.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice calls from behind me.

I pause in my march, turning abruptly to see who has spoken. My breath hitches as I see the stunning Princess Mithian standing at the other end of the hall. Her brown curls hang beautifully over her frame as she makes her way toward me. As I realise she has addressed me, I notice the absence of a servant.

"I am sorry to be so rude, but...I seem to have gotten myself lost," Mithian explains. She looks around for a moment, an embarrassed smile on her lips.

I can't help but smile warmly, the girl having a strangely caring and friendly aura. "Not at all, M'lady", I offer, giving her a bow. "To where is it you are wishing to find?"

Mithian's embarrassed smile turns into a natural glow, her loving nature beaming through her. It overpowers me, and I can't help but smile widely back, my cheeks hurting from the tension.

"I simply wish to find the Hall...that is where the feast will take place, no?" Mithian questions.

"Yes, but...forgive me for the asking, shouldn't Arthur-uh-The King, be escorting you?" I ask, already planning a lecture to Arthur on treating a Princess when asking for her hand in marriage.

Mithian shakes her head. "Well, yes, but I have requested to meet My Lord at the feast...I am embarrassed to admit. I enjoy my own company sometimes."

Her words correlate with much that I understand myself. This almost immediately makes me like her so much more. There is no way possible to not like this princess. I can already tell that she has a heart of gold and kindness like no other. Already I find myself won over, which I wasn't going to allow myself yet.

"No need to be embarrassed. I'm headed to the hall by myself as well," I assure, gesturing down the hall. "I could take you there if you'd like?"

"Thank you very much", Mithian beams, taking another step to join me in our walk to the hall. "I don't believe we've met officially. I'm Mithian", she offers, holding out her hand to me.

We stroll down the hallways in pursuit of the hall. I take her hand and nod. "I'm Edythe."

"Edythe?" she repeats, a shock spreading across her face. "You're Arthur's long-lost sister."

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