35 - Mario Kart Rematch

Start from the beginning

Marinette nodded, even though Alya couldn't see her. "Yeah, I get what you're saying. I'll talk to him when he gets back to the bakery. I'm going to finish up this video now, and I'll let you know how it goes."

"Good, okay. I'll talk to you later."


Adrien hoped to get into the mansion, get his stuff, and get out as fast as he could. He just needed a few things, and he really didn't want to run into his father. He got home and didn't hear anyone, which was a good sign, but once he was in his room, he heard voices. He already had all his stuff in a bag, but did not get out quick enough.

Adrien stood with his ear pressed against the door to hear what they were saying. It was muffled, and he could only make out certain things. But he was shocked.

"I know, Gabriel, but you must remain calm. Adrien has been spending the nights with Marinette, so at least they're together," Nathalie said.

"That is not the issue, Nathalie. He's out from right under me, what am I meant to do now?" Gabriel replied.

Nathalie thought for a moment. "You could tell him that Marinette is welcome to stay here. There's far more room for the two of them."

Gabriel didn't change his face. "No, that would cause suspicion. He invited Miss Dupain-Chang to the gala here. That's a good start."

Adrien and Plagg stared at each other as they were trying to comprehend what they thought they were hearing. He had to plan his getaway. He knew they wouldn't be pleased with him eavesdropping.

"Maybe he left something in his room that could be...of use," Nathalie suggested, and Adrien had to stop himself from hyperventilating. He had to act quickly, so he ran to the corner of his room and hid behind the couch. Pulling out his phone, he texted the one person that could distract Nathalie and his father.

Almost immediately, he heard heavy footsteps run up the hall. Followed by a quick grunt, both Nathalie and Gabriel walked off behind the footsteps.

Adrien sighed in relief. He'd have to get Gorilla a gift to thank him, but now, he needed to get out of the mansion and back to the Dupain-Cheng's.

Adrien ran out the side door and was thankful Gorilla left the gate open just long enough for him to get out. He couldn't risk turning into Chat Noir; people would have seen him.

As fast as he could, he ran to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. He said a quick hello to Tom and Sabine before running up the stairs, making them a little confused, but they laughed it off. Adrien ran into their home and up the stairs to Marinette's room. But before barging in, he made sure to knock and waited for her to allow him, because he's a gentleman.

"Marinette!" Adrien said, out of breath. He threw his bag on the floor as Plagg was laughing at him.

"What happened to you?" Marinette giggled along with Plagg.

Adrien took some deep breaths. "I heard my father and Nathalie talking. They were talking about you and me and our Miraculous. It was weird. It sounded like they were...making a plan? I don't know. I'm so confused," Adrien said and collapsed onto Marinette's chaise.

Marinette pursed her lips. "That is weird. Hmm, I wonder if there's anything we could do to find out more."

Plagg took a bite of his cheese he found in Marinette's room. "Ha, imagine how lucky it would be if you guys caught something during one of Marinette's videos!"

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other, thinking. "No, I've edited our videos so much I would have noticed something," Marinette said.

"All except one," Tikki interjected, causing all three of them to look at her, waiting for her to continue. "What about the day you and Adrien worked on your project? When you followed Adrien around the mansion, and Mr. Agreste kicked you out? You only cut it before you left his room, and didn't look at any of the second part of the video," Tikki reminded him.

Marinette gasped. "Oh my gosh, you're right!"

"Do you still have that? I thought you deleted it," Adrien said, trying not to get his hopes up.

Marinette nodded, rushing over to the box that held her diary. "Yes. I saved it to look over some time because it was funny. It's on a flash drive all by itself, locked in my diary box," Marinette said, opening the box.

Marinette opened up her laptop, and they started watching the video, extremely focused. They skipped to when they were out of Adrien's room and going around the house. They were right outside of Gabriel's office near the end, when something unusual flashed in the corner of the screen.

"Pause it," Adrien said. "Go back, put it in slow motion. What is that?" He pointed at the white thing in the corner. "Is that...a butterfly?"

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