"Your sparrow says that you're on the same mission I'm on," Nezuko smiled pointing to the sparrow on her shoulder. The sparrow chirped in agreement,

"He doesn't listen! Caw! Makes trouble! CAW!" the crow on her other shoulder cried. "Leave him to die alone!"

"Hush you, no need to be so mean," Nezuko scowled at the large bird.

"I remember you," the boy on his knees realized, "You're the girl from final selection, the scary one!"

"Scary?" Nezuko repeated, puzzled.

"The one who tackled that other guy! The angry one!" the boy explained frantically.

"Yes, I remember that," Nezuko nodded. "But... I don't remember you."

That seemed to be taken the wrong way because the boy descended into despair once again raving about how Nezuko was forgetful and then how to the world was cruel and somehow ending on a paranoid note on how someday his brains were going to be sucked out of his ears by a demon. It all was rather ridiculous to Nezuko, but she was used to tantrums, she had plenty of younger siblings who used to throw such ridiculous shenanigans.

"There, there, if you survived final selection, I'm sure there's more to you than meets the eye," Nezuko assured the boy, patting his back as the boy huddled down in terror, "Now get up! We've got quite a ways to go!"

She offered the boy her hand, "My name's Nezuko, Kamado Nezuko."

The boy took her hand gingerly, "Zenitsu," the boy answered getting to his feet.

"It's nice to meet you Zentisu," Nezuko smiled. A smile that seemed brighter than the sun to Zentisu.

Zentisu swore to himself at that moment that he would propose to this girl as soon as possible.

The two traveled quickly, Nezuko urging Zentisu on and handing him snacks whenever he slowed. 

Eventually, the two reached their destination and found quite a scene. They discovered two children whose brother had been snatched by a demon and quickly went about finding a way to try and save him. They located the demon's house and prepared to go inside. There, they tried and failed to save a man who had been thrown out of the house, he died in Nezuko's arms and Nezuko looked up at the house, determination and anger in her veins. Zenitsu heard the change immediately; the sound radiating from Nezuko was no longer gentle or sweet, it was vengeful and dangerous.

Nezuko turned  and walked back to the children before putting on a smile "You two stay out here, alright?"

The children nodded slowly.

"I will find your brother," Nezuko swore firmly, "I will bring him back."

She strode towards the house, past Zentisu.

"Come on Zentisu," she commanded walking for the door.

"B-But the sounds coming from that place are scary! You're kidding right?" Zentisu cried.

Nezuko kicked open the door and strode inside, "Very well, then stay out." 

"Don't say it like that!" Zentisu cried. She clearly didn't care if he came or not but he ran after her anyway. "I'm sorry! I'll come! Please don't be mad at me!!"

The house proved itself to be challenging. Nezuko thanked the heavens that the kids hadn't come along, she wasn't quite sure how she could've dealt with the changing, rotating rooms, and a kid.

She had been separated from Zentitsu but she was certain that he would be able to handle himself. Something told her that there was much more to Zentisu then it seemed. 

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