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The sound of rumbling thunder in the distance made you turn your head towards the window.
"Looks like Bowers won't be out there for that long," You said, a jokingly playful smile beginning to form on your face. Stan nods, turning his head towards the window as well - just catching a glimpse of the trickling rain starting to pour down before he turned back to you.
"With all of those bruises on his face I don't think he'd even look for very long anyways.." Stan replied.
"Should I call my parents, then?" He said, and you moved out of his way, signalling that he could do so. Taking a seat on the couch, you let your eyes wander around the room as Stanley dials his parents' number on your telephone.

"Hello?" Came a voice from the receiving line. It was rather feminine - so you assumed it must've been Stan's mother. Stan took a breath.
"Hey, it's Stan."
"Oh, Stanley, I was just about to call to see where you were. Can you please be home soon? Dinner is almost ready."
"..Wait, actually..I'm at..Bill's. I was calling to ask if I could sleep over."
There is a moment of silence.
"Has his mother agreed to this?"
Stan muttered an 'mhm' and his mother sighed.
"..Okay, well, I want you to be home tomorrow before noon."
"Alright, well, I'll talk to you tomorrow then."
"Okay. Bye."
"Bye, honey."

Stan places the phone down and gives you a small smile before coming to sit down next to you on the couch.
Giving him a small smile back, you cleared your throat.
"So you asked to sleep over?"
For a moment, Stan looked worried - but he composed himself and nodded.
"..Yeah, it is getting pretty late anyways. I thought I'd just stay to save time. Besides..I don't wanna walk out in the rain."
You nod.
"Want some snacks?" You ask, and Stan's eyes dart towards you once again.

You stand up and make your way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you look for something to eat.
"Umm, Y/n.." Stan asks, making your head perk up. You mutter an 'mhm?', and be continues.
"So, uhh..just before I met up with you this morning, I..saw you with Richie."
"Yeah, I thought I'd say hi since he was just there."
"..So you're friends with him?"
"Yeah. I think. Why do you ask?"
There's a small moment of silence.
"..I don't know. I just.."
Stan trailed off as you came back over to the couch with some food. You gave him a bag of chips, and you kept some sweets for yourself. Your eyes locked with his as you awaited his next sentence.
"Do you like hanging out with me? I saw how happy you seemed when you were talking with Rich, and..well.."

Does he think I like Richie? Oh jeez.

"Of course I like hanging out with you, Stan! We may have just met a little while ago, but I feel like.."

Your eyes lock.

"..I feel.."

You couldn't even finish your sentence. You were so lost in his eyes that you couldn't even bring yourself to break eye contact.

"Me too." Suddenly, Stanley broke the awestruck silence between the two of you, and smiled warmly. It was if he were able to tell what you meant, even if you hadn't said anything at all. By the way you spoke and the look in your eyes, he knew what you were trying to say. Even though you still didn't entirely know what you were trying to say.


A loud boom of thunder crashed down and you flinched. It wasn't too far away, but it was loud enough to startle you.

"You okay?" Stan said in a soft and comforting tone. You looked over to him, and you smiled.
"Yeah. I just..I never really got storms like this back when I lived with my dad."

Stan's smile faded a little when the word 'dad' came out of your mouth. He looked around, as if he were thinking hard, and then his eyes darted back to you - and you caught a glimpse of his piercing stare once again. He fumbled with his thumbs, and cleared his throat.
"..I know it might be a..sensitive..topic..but, uhh.."
Somehow, you knew what he was about to ask just before he had said it.
"..Why don't you live with your dad anymore?"

"I mean, I know Richie asked about it a while ago, but I.."

Stan trailed off as he saw your smile fade and a tiny frown form on your face.

You didn't like to think about what happened with your dad. It made you all queasy inside, like you wanted to vomit or to scream out but you couldn't. It made your hands tremble, because even the thought of your father made you shake. It made you scared. It made you..sad.

You began to think back to when he was still with you. You remembered how unique his laugh was, and how his smile always seemed to lighten up the room. You remembered his well-kept, curly dark hair, and you remembered his piercing golden eyes. You remembered the way he used to comfort you when you were sad, or when you had a nightmare. You remembered when he was able to make you giggle with his cheesy jokes or goofy mannerisms. You remembered..everything about him. And, most of all, you remembered when he was alive.


In a matter of seconds, you broke into tears. Your tears began to flow down your cheeks with ease, and you felt the guilt and sadness flood over you just as you sniffled. Stan made a little gasping noise when he heard you cry, and quickly inches closer to you.
"Oh my god, Y/n—I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry.."
Stan wrapped his arms around you and embraced you in a hug as even more tears cloud your vision.
"I miss him so much.." you mumble, and you feel yourself cry even more. By this point, you didn't even care if Stan saw. All you cared about was how much you missed your dad.
"It's gonna be okay.." Stan says, bringing you closer to him and tightening the hug. His head was just above yours, and in the heat of the moment he placed a kiss on your head. It was just a bit too soft for you to notice it, though. Letting yourself sink into Stan's hug, your cries eventually begin to die down. You felt so tired from crying. Thinking about your dad drained so much of your energy—you didn't even understand why. So, when your choked up sniffles finally ended, you let your eyes droopily look up at Stan's eyes.

That's when you noticed it.
His eyes.
His eyes..
They were the same colour as your father's.
All of his silent and small expressions, his silly eyerolls, and, most of all, his piercing stare..
They were all identical to your father's.
That's why you felt so drawn to him.
His eyes.
They were gorgeous. They were a golden-brown, just like your dad's.
People do say that the eyes are like the windows to the soul, so..that must've been why you were able to understand Stanley without even having him speak. You felt connected to his soul, because of the way you felt connected to your father's.

"Stan.." you mumble, and he looks down at you.
"Your eyes are the same colour as my dad's."
He kept his soft glare on you as a slight smile formed on his face. Hugging you tighter, Stan felt as if he were on cloud 9. Being able to hold you—to embrace you—it felt so unreal. He had gotten to know you better, sure, but he hadn't known you like he had known the losers. And, yet, here he is, even more attracted to you than he's ever been.

A crush like this happens just by chance, doesn't it?

"Just By Chance." - Stanley Uris x Reader. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now