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You woke up that morning a little earlier than expected.

The sunlight shone through your window as you slowly rose up from the couch, recollecting your thoughts. 

Today was Thursday, the day where you would meet up with Stanley and get to know each other better. A hangout. Well, that's what he called it, anyways. Beverly seemed to have other ideas--more importantly, she believed that he was, somehow, asking you out on a date. And, well - as much as you didn't want to believe it, a small part of you hoped that it would've been the case. Because..for some reason, you were drawn to his golden-brown curls and his mesmerising glare.  You thought that he was quite attractive, and you wondered if he thought the same about you. However, it would be a million years before you'd tell Beverly that, anyways.

You noticed that the TV was turned off, which meant your mother had probably gotten home soon after the two of you fell asleep. You stood up from the couch quietly in an attempt to not wake Beverly up - and then, you walked to your mother's room. Knocking on the door, you heard a quiet mumble and you took it as a sign to walk in. You open the door, and your mother is there - she's sitting happily on her bed, folding clothes that you could only assume to be hers. She stares at you with a confused glare, and then finally speaks up.

"Good morning, honey. You're up early. What's up?" She says, her soft voice giving you a sense of comfortableness. You walk inside her room and let your eyes wander before you get to the point.

"Well, I was actually thinking about going somewhere today.." You mumble softly, but loud enough for your mother to hear.

"With Beverly?" She replies, not letting her eyes drift from the clothes she was folding.

"..No, with somebody else." 

Her eyes dart up at you in a kind manner.

"So you've made another friend? That's good. What's her name?"


"Actually, umm..this 'new friend' is a..boy. His name is Stan, and..he offered to hang out. He's picking me up."

Your voice trails off as your mother turns her head towards you. There's an almost uncomfortable silence before she smiles, making all of your worries melt away.

"Well, don't be out too long then, honey. And - if you could, tell Stanley I'd like to meet him sometime. He seems like a nice boy for picking you up and taking you out somewhere."

..Hold on, she doesn't actually think he asked me out on a date, does she? Oh no--she's gonna get the wrong idea and thing we're dating!

"Uhh, yeah..sure thing."

God, does she think we're dating now?

"Well, I thought I'd..uhh..just let you know where I'm going today. I'll, uhh.. I'll see you later."

You exit the room as your mother waves goodbye.

..Beverly, unexpectedly, is now sitting in the kitchen. She notices you arriving back into the room and gives you her signature grin.

"Excited for today?" She said, grabbing a mug from the counter.

"..Yeah, I guess."

"Remember our bet. If Stan tries to make any moves, you--"

"--I have to give you ten bucks, yeah, I know. But I'm pretty dang sure you're gonna lose that bet, okay?"

"Doubt it." Beverly replies, adding a snarky smile to her remark. You stare back at her for a moment, hesitating to roll your eyes at her knowing grin. Sighing slightly, she walks up to you.

"Just By Chance." - Stanley Uris x Reader. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now