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Stanley rode down the road on his bike for quite a while, letting the two of you savour the moment by cruising through the streets of Derry. During that time, you let you mind wander - and you began to think about things.

You had been here for less than a week, and, with the help of your cousin, you had already made a group of friends that you genuinely liked. You weren't too sure at first, but after the quarry you were sure there was something about these kids you really admired. It was like they didn't care about eachother's flaws or what they were like, they only focused on the good things.

They were so much more different from the kids back in your home town.

And that was good, I guess. Not everyone around here was a stuck up prick who you just wanted to get away from.

After waiting another moment, you exhale through your nose. Stan must've noticed, because immediately after he began to talk.
"Have you ever tried birdwatching, Y/n?" He asked with a polite tone.
He nods, as if he were collecting his thoughts.
"Have you ever wanted to try it?"

To be honest, birdwatching had never been a thing you'd consider doing. If anything, you found it to be a little boring. But when you heard the silent, desperate plea in Stan's words you realised that birdwatching was probably what he planned to do with you today. So, you hum softly, as a way to give a response.
"Yeah, it sounds interesting."
He sighs with what seems to be relief.

You know, it probably wouldn't be that boring with a friend around anyways. Sure, birdwatching wasn't on your top list of things to do, but you could tell by the way Stan had replied to you that he enjoyed it quite thoroughly. So, if it meant making your friend happy, it was worth it.


Suddenly, the bike came to a stop and you found yourself outside a large and rather pretty park.
You perk your head up at the sight and Stan clears his throat.
"So," he began, reaching for something you couldn't quite see. You hop off the back of his bike and notice that he had pulled out a pair of binoculars.
"I thought we could go and have a look through the forest..to do some birdwatching."
You look at his anxious expression, like he knew this wasn't exactly the best way to 'hang out', but was hoping you'd be enthusiastic anyways.
You smile, and all of his anxiety washes away in a matter of seconds.
"Sure, why not? Lead the way."

《《《《《《《 》》》》》》》

Stanley lead you through a secluded part of the park, and the two of you ended up in a forest-like area. He slowly spun around, letting his eyes fixate on the many different trees around you to see if he could spot anything. You decide to try and help out, too - and in the corner of your eye you spotted something bright and colourful sitting up in a tree.
"Stan, look! Which bird is that?"
You point to where you saw the small bird, and Stan spins around in excitement. It takes him a moment to notice the bird, but when he does, he grabs his binoculars and fixates his gaze on the bird.
"That's..an American Redstart! They're apart of The New World warblers, or wood-warblers
—and they're a group of small, and colorful, passerine birds that make up the family Parulidae and are restricted to the New World. I can't believe you saw one, Y/n!"

His exquisite knowledge of the species of bird made you smile. He seemed so shy at first, but, now - when he seemed to be in his element, he was sprouting like a flower!

Stan continued to point out a few more series of birds, and some of which were quite dull - ones that you wouldn't have been able to see without his helping hand. It was quite interesting to hear about these birds - and it was even more amusing to you because of the fact that Stanley knew so much about each and every one of them.

You point out another bird, and Stanley's eyes light up with excitement at the sight of it.
"I don't believe it.." He says, looking through his binoculars to get a better look.
"That's a Bald Eagle, Y/n! I never see those around here any more!"
Stanley grips your sleeve and pulls you closer, just so you could have a better look. Little did he know, he had just pulled you a little too close.
He noticed what he had done right after you did, and was just as equally embarrassed as you were. He lowered his binoculars and eyed you with his anxious, piercing glare that you were sure you'd never forget. He struggled to find words, as his face was almost inches away from yours. However, all he could mumble were stutters - because as much as he hated to admit it, he had found himself lost in your eyes. Your beautiful eyes were the first thing he noticed when he met you, and they were definitely one of the many gorgeous things you had to offer. For a moment, you could've sworn you saw him lean in just a little more, but he stopped himself before he could get too close. It seemed he had finally regained his senses in that moment, because he had suddenly jumped back and laughed nervously.
"S—Sorry, Y/n.." He said, darting his eyes away from you every now and then.
There was a small silence between the two of you before you, once again, regained eye contact with him.
As awkward as it was, you couldn't help but feel happy that the two of you just shared that moment - because, truthfully, you found Stan to be quite attractive - so getting a better look at his perfect face was..
"..You know, there's an ice cream parlour just down the block..we could..get some, if you..if you wanted to."
It took you a moment to respond, but when you finally gave your answer, Stanley's eyes lit up.

"Yeah! I love ice cream."


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"Just By Chance." - Stanley Uris x Reader. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now