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"Stanley, what the hell?!"

You tugged at Stan's shirt once more, practically dragging him away from the scene that had just ensued. You knew people had seen, but the weird thing about the adults in this place was they just decided not to intervene with things like this. So, even if people saw, you knew there would be no consequences for what Stanley had just done.
That didn't stop you from being terrified, though.

Dragging him behind one of the many tiny stores in this weird town, you took a long breath and then looked up at Stan.

"Stan, I.."
You were at a loss for words.
Looking into his eyes, you searched for a way to get your concerns across.
His gaze was..
..different..to the other times you had looked at him.
It seemed, well..
I don't know.

His piercing stare no longer seemed to have so much complexity.
It seemed like whatever those eyes had been holding back..
..had just been released.
And, now, after letting loose, he couldn't hide whatever else he was trying to cover up.

They seemed to convey so much anger when he looked up at you in the alleyway. He seemed so furious. And then, after you pleaded for him to stop, his gaze just..softened. It was like just by seeing your concerned glare he was able to relax himself and come to the conclusion that he needed to stop.

After a moment of pure silence, Stan takes a shaky breath and clears his throat.
"Y/n, I'm..I'm sorry, I.."
He looked down at the floor, and then back at you.
He was alone with you now.
He didn't have to hide anything.

Honestly, Stanley didn't even know what to feel.
Something terrible came over him and he had no idea what to do.
It was like seeing you hurt made him so angry that he just couldn't keep it together anymore.
And what he had done made you scared.
He had seen the fear in your eyes when you tried to pull him away, and his anxiety cams back in less than a second.
All of his woes..
All of his nervousness..
The butterflies..
It all came back, and he was driven back to his senses.
He was so sorry.

Stanley looked down at you once more, and noticed that you had moved closer.
She looks so confused.
Why did I..
Why did I do that?
"..I..I can tell you didn't mean to..lash out..like you did."
The two of you shared a solemn glare and in the heat of the moment you grabbed his hand. You squeezed it, just like you did back at the quarry.
His posture stiffened for a moment, as he wasn't expecting you to hold his hand. But then, he relaxed, and squeezed back.
He didn't know what this meant, but by the little gesture he knew that you had forgiven him.

"I'm sorry.." He said, with a shaky breath.
"..Don't be. I..I thought it was super cool of you to stand up for me like that."
You smiled at him, and Stan felt like his insides were melting. He knew that by now his feelings were true, and he couldn't deny the fact that he had developed a crush on you. The thing is..did you feel the same?

Stan looked down at your intertwined hands and gulped.
Should he go for it?
His eyes darted up at your face, and then down to your lips.

"Y/n.." He said, trying to maintain eye contact with you.

..okay, I can do this.
I can do this.

"I—uHh.." he felt his body heat up and in that moment he didn't know what to say.

I can do this..

"What is it?" You say, giving his hand another squeeze.

I can't do this.

"..I..think we should..go somewhere else. Just so.. we're a little further from Bowers.."

Why is it so hard to just..
..get it over with?!
You're such an idiot, Stan!
At this rate, you'll never get her to like you.

You let your eyes dart around for a moment, then nodded.
"..Yeah, okay. Good idea. Where do we go?"
"There's a diner just down the block from here. I think..it's best we go there to hide. Because I'm sure that as soon as he comes back to his senses he'll start looking for us."
You raise your eyebrow and think.
"Why don't we head back to my place? It is getting late..you could just stay with me while we hide."
His posture stiffens and Stan rubs the back of his neck.
"..I don't know, I don't think my parents would let me.."
"Just tell them you're..spending the night at Bill's, or something. They'll believe that, won't they?"
"Well, yes, but-"
"Bowers knows where your house is, right? Chances are he'll look there first. He doesn't know where my apartment is. We could camp out there."

..She's right.

"..Okay. When we get there I'll call my parents and tell them I'm at Bill's, and then we can camp out at yours."
You smile, nodding your head with a newfound giddy attitude.

《《《《《《《 》》》》》》》

By the time the two of you had arrived at your apartment complex, the sun had begun to set and night was just about to set in. So, walking into the hallway with Stan by your side, there was an awkward silence.
"..Wait, isn't this Beverly's apartment complex?"
You nod.
"Yeah. We live in the same building."
"..Oh, that's cool."

There was another silence, and, just before you had arrived at your door, you stopped.
"Oh, shoot! I think my mom's home!"
Stan stops just a foot in front of you and turns around.
"What's wrong with that? Is she bad?"
"No, it's just..I don't know if she'll be okay with..a boy sleeping over."
"Wait, I'm sleeping over?"
"You just said I was sleeping over!"
"Nevermind—lets just go inside and ask my mom if you're allowed to stay!"

Clearly flustered, you grab Stan's sleeve and pull him towards the door. You let out a nervous laugh as you let yourself inside and hurry in.
"..Ma! Are you home?"

The house was silent.


No answer.
You motion for Stan to come in and he does, closing the door behind him.

Where was she?
She wasn't supposed to be doing anything today, was she?
No, she would've told you.

Rushing over to your phone, you dial your mother's number.

Come on, pick up..

"Is she not home?"
You shrug your shoulders as Stan walks towards you, letting his eyes roam around your living room.
"She should be.." You say.
"Maybe she's..out, doing something. I don't know."

No answer.

You place the telephone down and sigh.
"..Yeah, maybe..but it just doesn't seem like her to not tell me she'll be gone."
"I'm sure she's okay." Stan says, walking up towards you and tilting his head, making a solemn expression.
You gulp, and your eyes meet his.


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"Just By Chance." - Stanley Uris x Reader. (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora