Chapter 3

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(trigger warning; threatening)

"My wings hurt," Pisces said softly. 


"Can we get a drink?" Tectonic asked. 


"Celestial, are you going to let us stop at some point, or will we keep flying forever?" Orbit groaned. 


"Celestial, it would be best if we rested for a while, and then continue later on. We still have plenty of time left; it's not like the war is going to destroy the entire moon if we take a rest," Twilight said. 

"We're nearly there." 

Tectonic's face suddenly blossomed into a grin as wide as the horizon. 

"We're off to the Kingdom of Stars!" he yelled, and the others cheerfully joined in. 


"SHUT UP!" Celestial whipped around, indigo eyes like purple, deadly, fire. "If you sing one more note of that horrid song I will slit your throat!" 

"Whoa, whoa, hey there," a patch of sky somewhere above them said. "No need to kill your comrades. I'm pretty sure that was my job!" 

"Who is that?" Streak yelped, whirling around and finally looking up. A dragon materialized in the air above them. 

"Hiya, Princess!" Tardis grinned, waving a talon. "How are you?" 

"Have you been cheating on me?" Tectonic asked quietly. 

"No," Celestial said. "This is Tardis, he's... well, I don't really know him, but he visited me in a dream, so. Yeah." 

Pisces was suddenly all over him, questions pouring out of her mouth faster than a waterfall. 

"How do you turn invisible are you a TimeWing from the legends how are you so shiny are you nice are you an assassin do you like turtles can you really time travel like the legends say are you enemies with SpaceWings do you think that we should take a rest should I stop asking questions now oh oops I'll answer that one yes I probably should stop sorry," she pried herself away from him back to Twilight's side. 

"Way to embrace your inner Cricket, Pisces," Orbit mused. 

"Magic," Tardis said slowly. "Yes; I polish my scales every day; yes; yes, sort of; yes; well, I guess so; probably, Celestial is being a hothead; and yeah, too many questions." by the end his words were blurring together so fast that Celestial just gave up trying to understand him. 

"Wow. And HA! You do like turtles!!" Pisces laughed, nearly falling out of the sky. 

"Wait. You actually understood all of that?" Orbit asked, looking at the StarWing and the TimeWing. 

"Yup," they said at the same time. 

"This is getting too weird," Orbit said. "Even for me." 

"Fine, we can land," Celestial sighed, arcing toward the ground to land in the grass. The sun was beginning to set, and they had been flying all day. But King Orion's Castle loomed out of the mountainside; at least they were nearly there. 

"Nice view from up there, I bet," Tardis commented, sitting down beside her. "I wonder if they have got any glorified trash cans for me to defeat heroically." 

"Trash cans," Orbit echoed. "What are those?" 

"Ah, never mind," Tardis laughed. "A TimeWing thing, I suppose. Never tell Decennium or Epoch you don't know that, though, or they'll kill your educators. And possibly you." he laughed at that, then stopped when no one else was joining in.

"So, can we go... to sleep... now..?" Tectonic fell on his face and began snoring loudly. Pisces, Twilight, Streak and Orbit all followed suit, and soon Celestial's brain became wobblier than a big confusing ball, and she faded into a peaceful slumber as Tardis told her he'd take first watch. 

Falling asleep was a bad idea. 

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